Just watched the second DVD of Early Cinema - Primitives And Pioneers, which had on it:
How It Feels to Be Run Over (1900)
Explosions of a Motor Car (1900)
Rescued by Rover (1905)
The Other Side of the Hedge (1905)
That Fatal Sneeze (1907)
A Visit to Peek Frean and Co.’s Biscuit Works (1906)
A Day in the Life of a Coalminer (1910)
Par le trou de la serrure (1901)
Histoire d’un crime (1901)
Ali Baba et les quarante voleurs (1905)
Rêve et réalité (1901)
La Révolution en Russie (1905)
Aladin ou la lampe merveilleuse (1906)
Le Cheval emballé (1907)
The Physician of the Castle (1908)
Magic Bricks (1908)
Dewar’s – It’s Scotch (1898)
The Gay Shoe Clerk (1903)
The Great Train Robbery (1903)
The Dream of a Rarebit Fiend (1906)
Very interesting watching