J. said:
russell, do you ever get out of the house?
Yeah, sadly I have a degree to do and magazine to write for, otherwise I'd watch an awful lot more movies
All of those silent ones were very early, however, so the longest was only 10 minutes. That said just got back from a four day film festival, at whiuch I saw:
Severance - decent british horror comedy, manages a very good mix between the two, and has some great moments.
The Hound Of The Baskervilles - classic hammer, great fun
Countess Dracula - ditto, some really fiunny moments
Twins of Evil - and again
Pan's Labyrinth - Guillermo Del Toro's new film, a sister piece to The Devil's Backbone. It got a 25 minute standing ovation at Cannes; I didn't think it was worth that length, but it really was a fantastic movie, and even better to see it with Giullermo there.
Hatchet - Solid old-school horror, solid script with a fair amount of funny bits in it, and some inventive gore.
Frostbite - Swedish vampire movie with talking dogs. A bit slow at times but generally decent
Isolation - Irish horror set on a dairy farm, suprisingly good, especially considering the budget.
Earthlings: Ugly Bags Of Mostly Water - A terribly shot, fairly horibble documentary about the Kilngon Language
The Marsh - Like a better version of Boogeyman, kind of. Not very good, but watchable horror.
See No Evil - first ever film from some wrestling league, good fun if entirely unoriginal horror, enjoyed it.
Adrift - Stupid people drown, woopidy doo.
Snoop Dogg's Hood Of Horror - Surprisingly enjoyable. Bloody awful, but entertaining because of the sheer badness of it all.
Broken - British horror movie made for only £10,000, reminded me of saw a bit. Very good considering the miniscule budget. Promising.
The Living And The Dead - Depressing as fuck UK movie about a mentally ill guy, his father and ill mother. Good, but utterly bleak and unremitting.
Them - French horror movie from the producer of Irriversible. Nicely made, a good stalk-and-slash style horror, but IMO it was missing something, not sure what.
Grimm Love - Movie based ont hat German canibal, the cannibal story itself was well handled and very absorbing, but the subplots they put in and a woman who was basically just a plot device to babble about psychology and fill in gaps were shit.
The Lost - Very, very good movie - based on a novel, I'm not even sure what I liked about it so much, but it is basically a drama about a guy who kills two girls at the beginning of the movie, and then how this comes back a couple of years later. It has a visceral ending which is just great, which made up for the slow pace of the first hour and half.
Sheitan - Very bizarre French horror with Vincent Cassel. Funny at times, but truly, truly odd.
H6: Diary Of A Serial Killer - Solid Spanish movie about a serial killer who victimises prostitutes to "cleanse them".
The Ghost Of Nak Mae - Thai horror movie that not only has every cliche in the book, doesn't even bother doing it well, and lasts way too long. Rally bad film.
Puritan - Decent (considering the budget) film-noir - very dark, quite watchable, if not scintilating.
Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon - Absolutely fantastic stalk-and slash post-modern movie - the first 2/3 are a mockumentary following this guy who wants to be the next Jason or Mike Myers, and does it really well, with lots of very funny moments. The last 1/3 is itself a great slasher movie. Really inventive and very well done.
The Host - Korean monster movie. A bit longer perhaps (we had an extended 2 hour version), but great effects, and it was a lot of fun.
Good weekend in general, I'm sure a few of them I wouldn't have liked anywhere near as much if there wasn't the fantastic atmosphere (a cinema full of horror fans makes even mediocre genre movies a lot more fun). And today at work I watched American Pie II and Final Destination III (the choose your fate version
). Next up is Drunken Master