
Chromatose said:
Sympathy for Mr Vengeance and Lady Vengeance need more love. In my opinion as good as OldBoy, if not better, in their own unique ways. Though Lady Vengeance I felt suffered from some hard to follow plot moments as well.

It's an awesome trilogy of films.

I haven't seen Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, but I did watch SFLV I while ago. I usual I found it impossible not to mix up the asian girls which lead to some misunderstandings when she went back to take revenge on her father. Other than that I think the director went too far in his effort to discussis the theme of vengeance; the final part of the movie with the parents and the killer did not work out at all. To me it felt more like an "acted philosophical discussion", not drama. To boot, the characters were a lot bleaker than Old Boy :|

Will check out the third part as soon as I get a chance though!
Thanatopsis123 said:
It's one of those that's so bad you can't take your eyes off it.

Anyway, I just saw Pulse. Holy crap was that boring.

True. And if you want boring, try the movie I just watched, Antrtic Journal. Korean film set in the Antartic with some of the guys from Oldboy and the lead from Memories Of Murder in it, and god damn it was dull....

Thanatopsis123 said:
I just watched that 80's movie Heathers. :lol: That was surprisingly entertaining.

Also true!
Miami Vice

Went to see this with the Pops. Cool action movie. Jamie Foxx is a good actor. Colin Farrell lets his hair do the acting for him. That Cuban-chick-that-looks-Oriental was way hot and needs to show the boobs more.

If that's what Miami is like, I'm moving there. Every chick was HOT! No old people!
Reign in Acai said:
Hot damn oldboy is awesome, I still can;t get that movie out of my mind. :kickass:
cheers to that, i'm still trying to figure out what type of movie it falls into exactly...action...mystery....thriller...splatterfest....?

roshomon is better though :D
Next 15 movies in my blockbuster queue

Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
Seven Samurai
Finding Neverland
The Notebook
8 1/2
Andrei Rublev
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Seventh Seal
Fando y Lis
Tokyo Story
Cries and Whispers
Cinderella Man