
Watched Hard Candy again after I spotted the DVD on sale for about a fiver. I can't recommend that film enough. Really arresting visual style (the digital colorist fully deserves his name in the opening credits, some of the mid-scene colour palette shifts are really effective at highlighting the character's shifting emotional states), top-notch performances from both leads (who are pretty much the only two people in the film), and a really clever script.
Watched Hard Candy again after I spotted the DVD on sale for about a fiver. I can't recommend that film enough. Really arresting visual style (the digital colorist fully deserves his name in the opening credits, some of the mid-scene colour palette shifts are really effective at highlighting the character's shifting emotional states), top-notch performances from both leads (who are pretty much the only two people in the film), and a really clever script.

Ya, really cool movie. It was recommended by some friends of mine. Good stuff. My only gripe is that I had to pay the "New Release" cost at the video store!
Children of Men
It barely came out here, and in only 1 theater... lame. I try to avoid hyperbole (just kidding, you know I'm prone to it), but this is easily the best movie since Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and probably even better than that. Towards the end, there's a 20+ minute scene done in a single take, no edits. And it involves traversing several blocks and through a hotel (up and down stairs, through rooms, etc), and shootouts, rpgs, tanks, explosions, etc. There are several similar scenes throughout the movie (i.e. long scenes with no edits), but this one takes the cake. If he doesn't win Best Director, then Hollywood is insane. Best Screenplay should be a cinch, too, and Best Picture. I was just completely in awe. In fact, this may be the best movie of the decade.
thanks jimbob. you just sold me. im off till monday and ill go see children of men by myself during the day so there's no distractions.

having nothing to do and no plans RULES!
Children of Men
It barely came out here, and in only 1 theater... lame. I try to avoid hyperbole (just kidding, you know I'm prone to it), but this is easily the best movie since Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and probably even better than that. Towards the end, there's a 20+ minute scene done in a single take, no edits. And it involves traversing several blocks and through a hotel (up and down stairs, through rooms, etc), and shootouts, rpgs, tanks, explosions, etc. There are several similar scenes throughout the movie (i.e. long scenes with no edits), but this one takes the cake. If he doesn't win Best Director, then Hollywood is insane. Best Screenplay should be a cinch, too, and Best Picture. I was just completely in awe. In fact, this may be the best movie of the decade.

I kept seeing previews for this flick everywhere ... and no trace of it in theaters. Really want to see it.

But the Director Oscar WILL go to Scorsese this year :kickass:
Lady in the Water

this wasnt bad. took a while to get going. and i realize time constraints are a factor, but man, those people figured out everything waaaaaay too easily
Thief: this was actually bad. Well, perhaps it is just dated seeing as how it's 25 years old but then again The French Connection still kicks all kinds of ass and it's 36 years old. Real dissapointed in Thief.
Children of Men was so intense, I have to see it again in theaters!

plus, that old stoner guy was kinda hilarious :lol:

"Pull my finger!"

how awesome was he, dude gets hit then says it again :lol:

also you're a fascist pig! WHAT?!

On a sidenote, awesome awesome movie. I agree with jim that scene at the end in the city was mindblowing. I had to sit up close which normally i dont like, but it just enhanced that whole sequence. So intense, everything kept flowing so well, really a movie you MUST see in theatres (for that sequence alone). The whole dark aura of the movie was a plus as well.
Thief: this was actually bad. Well, perhaps it is just dated seeing as how it's 25 years old but then again The French Connection still kicks all kinds of ass and it's 36 years old. Real dissapointed in Thief.

get off that couch so i can beat you :loco:

that flick is in the same style as early Miami Vice ... but more downer.
Agreed on the downer part but I found the whole thing to be unbelieveable. Caan seemed like he was just reading cue cards. As far as Mann goes, it was bad, but as far as movies go it was average. I think Manhunter was next and it is a far superior piece of work. It was the first Mann film I ever saw and it left an indelible impression on me. Great film.
I saw the new Bond the other night. It was my first movie going experience in Japan. We had to choose seats before we got in and they give you blankets (presumably for discreet handjobs considering how fucking hot it was in that theater).

Awesome movie, by the way. I've always liked Bond movies but never the character. This was the first time I liked the character as well.
Saw 3

The Saw series is like those Cube movies. The first one is ok but the sequels get progressively worse. I didn't like it at all, no a al. The my pals twisting scene was nice, toh..odi
Nacho Libre why didnt someone warn me that this is one of the worst movies ever made? I think I laughed once....when Nacho was singing a song at the party. Jack Black needs some new material - he's exactly the same as when I first saw him in Tenacious D 1206 years ago