
Seven>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>any Saw movie

I was honestly just about to post that. Never watched Saw 3 but I dont really think its nessecary honestly.

Also, the Hills Have Eyes remake was horrible. I almost turned it off waiting for the action to start, and then once it did it was such an over the top bloodbath that it seemed silly. I think Im losing my taste for horror movies though honestly.
The Hills Have Turds was indeed quite bad. I've never seen the original but I've heard it's just as poor.
I, too, feel I'm losing my penchant for horror. It stops being fun when you think, "shit. That could be me and my family getting brutally murdered." Although I really liked The Descent and I'm getting ready to watch Friday the 13th. :goggly:

Fucking killer. How can you not like Death metal listening, Body Armor Wearing, Chainsaw wielding, Nazi's??? Movie was funny and action packed as fuck. Dialogue wasnt as strong as a Tarantino flick but the movie kicked serious ass.
The Departed
It was fun and all, but not as good as some people make it to be. After reading the reviews I expected it to differ greatly from Infernal Affairs... IT DIDN'T. Mark Wahlberg stole every scene he was in but sadly his character was quite useless to the plot.


The Prestige
Really good, well told story. Nice twists and good acting from all. The last lines spoken combined with the last shot were perfect. After this movie Christopher Nolan will definitely be on my A-list.


The perfect 80's action flick and easily Schwarzenegger's best. Great one-liners, 'stupid' action, gayest villain of all time and a pair of tits.


Sympathy for lady vengeance
That Korean Guy's last film of the revenge trilogy. The worst of the three, in my humble opinion, but still a great movie. For some reason the story just didn't 'grip' me like the earlier two outings by the director. That macabre scene near the end, when all the people got to meet the guy was da bomb.

Little Miss Sunshine was hilarious.

me and the wife watched THe Hitcher last night. Rutger Hauer scared her and the truck scene made her cover her eyes.

one thing that confused me about The Hitcher: he said he's driving this car from Chicago to San Diego, so what the fuck is he doing in Texas? or is this a plot device to excuse the police as seeming like stereotypical redneck buckaroo cowboys?
Friday the 13th I've seen bits and pieces over the years but watched the thing in it's entirety today. Absolutely terrible terrible movie. Shit acting. Shit plot. Shit sets. Shit death scenes. Decent gore effects for 1980 and decent soundtrack. I'm at a loss as to how this spawned the whole Jason phenomenon, which if memory serves, was quite huge throughout the entire 80s and when he ran out of steam even the movies themselves continued into the late 90s.
Perhaps Part 2 was better but I have no intention of watching it after this piece of shit. I feel like I've been had.

Related shitz: As Cabin Fever was a nod to the horror Eli Roth watched growing up, I was curious as to where he got the idea for the crazy bike-riding cop. I assume he was a reference to the wierd motorcycle cop who pulls into Camp Crystal Lake to see what's what.
HARD CANDY ... was creepy as fuck but annoying at the same time.

That kid was not believable to me ... way too wicked and smart for someone her age (14 in the movie, although she is 18 in real life)

They succeded in some way for not letting the audience sympathize with anyone.