
I think I'm going to have to drop Netflix. I NEVER watch movies anymore. Children, wives, jobs, Stanley Cup Playoffs: all these conspire against me. $20 back in my pocket. That's like 3 gallons of gas, people.
Really? Maybe I should just use Comcast's service but it's about $4 a movie and I think the ease of pressing a button would rack up a pretty hefty bill. However, I've kinda lost interest in movies - violence has lost it's appeal, humor is really hard to come by, and drama is well, drama - there's enough of that in my daily life.
Neither do I. When I don't work, study, read or spend time with friends, I usually sleep. A man has to prioritize. But it's not just lack of time, I mean I could take some time if I wanted to, it's just that movies usually feel like a waste of time. I find myself sitting there watching, wondering how much is left to watch, having the feeling that I could be doing something else

As a semi-social thing, to do with friends/girl, it is pretty good though
I watched Paranoid Park earlier, and it is easily the most overrated film of 2007.

The problem has to do with the way the story is told, the abnormal chronological order they use just reveals too much too early, and by the time you hit the 30 minute mark, everything is figured out, there are no surprises, and you're spending 50 more minutes watching a fucking kid walk around. I hadn't been that bored watching a movie since I saw The Two Towers.

Then it would replay some scenes, some of which were quite insignificant to the story... just plain boring.

Had the film been say, 30 minutes, which it easily could have, I could give it a much better review, but the amount of filler (some scenes you're watching a person skateboard for 5 minutes, with no relevance to the story at all, the same thing with walking scenes, and driving scenes... The amount of story relevant material is only about 25 minutes worth TBH)

I'm typically a fan of Gus Van Sant's work, but god damn did he flop on this one. Hopefully Milk doesn't fuck up like this.

I need to watch some more movies... time to use some vacation time!
So last night it was at a theatre - the night of french short movies. 8 hours. It was kickass.

Here's one of them. A video-row made of tons of photos.
Not that hard to guess what it is......

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I'm moments away from cancelling Netflix. I currently have Disc 1 and 2 of Friday Night Lights and havent watched a single moment of either for the three weeks that I've had them. I also havent received my third movie for about a week. Waste of money.
Thats an awesome show. Every single woman in it is drop-dead gorgeous. This is how all Texas small towns are, no?
I returned my films and put "There Will be Blood" at the top of my queue. They in turn send me The Shield S04E01. This hasn't been in my queue for months!?!!! :mad:

There Will Be Blood is also in my queue. No Cuntry for Old Men has been in my queue since long before it was ever released on DVD. Still don't have it. Sure received the Painted Veil quickly though. (And it went right back just as fast)