
Lurch: the wife and I walked out of Bruno on opening weekend. Utterly, incredibly horrible and unfunny.

there was something extremely cringe worthy throughout. I think he went too far to make a point or get a laugh. I am all for this type of humor, but it didn't work here.
The biggest problem is that Bruno is not really a likable character like Borat who you kind of root for as an everyman.
The penis thing went way too far. None of the stuff that was funny in the previews was even in the movie...or at the very least, the parts were long after we left. We got our money back.
I don't get when people say the movie went to far. It makes everyone sound like a bunch of grandpas or something. I hear it a lot too. Is everyone really that easily offended? Perhaps my level of what I consider "too far" or "fucked up" or whatever is preternaturally high having grown up with interwebs, but there is nothing in Bruno that gets even near my "too far".

Glad to hear that ...Bastards is good. I have been looking forward to it.

Also, Ponyo was great. Miyazaki movies always win.
I think by "too far" is they attempt to provoke people, but it doesn't PROVOKE, its just boring, not funny and kinda gross (not having seen it, only based on what I#ve heard).
Yeah, it wasn't offensive its just tried to hard to offend but not in a smart way like Borat does.
I don't get when people say the movie went to far. It makes everyone sound like a bunch of grandpas or something. I hear it a lot too. Is everyone really that easily offended?

To each their own I guess. I'm just in a different phase of life than you (and all the homosexuals and college kids in the theater audience). I can't for the life of me recall why I even thought it would be a good idea to see this movie. As an intelligent adult trying to raise two children, I found myself thoroughly embarassed to be seen going to that movie.

The wife has influenced me to approach everything with an attitude of, "what good can come of this?".

I rarely actually use that approach though...hence the reason I'm always in some kind of trouble.

Women are far more mature than men, btw. A different topic for a different thread I guess.
Borat, aside from a few scant moments of shock humor wasn't much to rejoice over either. It's really no different than that Johnny Knoxville trash that all the mindless milksops were praising a few years back. Comedy has really taken a tumble over the past decade or so. When mediocre drivel like The Hangover receives critical acclaim you know your genre is gasping for breath. Too much of a reliance on vulgarity to garner the cheap laugh. Zero replay value, very few smirks, serving as a reminder of the shallowness in which we wade.

In regards to Kill Bill, total shit. Barely made it through the first one, never bothered with the second. Uma vs. 100 nips was exhaustingly over the top. Tarantino lost his "blind viewing" credibility years ago. You can only ride the laurels of two good films for so long.
Yeah, it wasn't offensive its just tried to hard to offend but not in a smart way like Borat does.

Jerry kinda summed it up, but I didn't find ALL that much "smart" about Borat... other than a humorous portrayal of ignorant americans...

but even that is old news... (hasn't every country had a go by now?)

so... fail?
Inglourious Basterds is great. Probably his third best. Get ready to read some subtitles though. There's a scene (when they're playing that pub game with the Natzees) that rivals Dennis Hopper's monologue in True Romance.

PS: you're all a bunch of babies
Borat, aside from a few scant moments of shock humor wasn't much to rejoice over either. It's really no different than that Johnny Knoxville trash that all the mindless milksops were praising a few years back. Comedy has really taken a tumble over the past decade or so. When mediocre drivel like The Hangover receives critical acclaim you know your genre is gasping for breath. Too much of a reliance on vulgarity to garner the cheap laugh. Zero replay value, very few smirks, serving as a reminder of the shallowness in which we wade.

In regards to Kill Bill, total shit. Barely made it through the first one, never bothered with the second. Uma vs. 100 nips was exhaustingly over the top. Tarantino lost his "blind viewing" credibility years ago. You can only ride the laurels of two good films for so long.

So when are you going to write a script Jerry? I want to direct it :loco:
But seriously, your writing talents need to be put to some use. I am the point where I want to go smack you.
I'd say it's the Blood, Fire, Death of comedies.


but doesn't that mean you hate it?

watched the alternate cut of anchorman, "wake up ron burgundy", last night...didn't make it through. just not nearly as good as the original, which i should have suspected given it's pasted-together footage they cut from the theatrical release, but i heard it was funny. i just kept thinking of the original, funnier scenes the footage was cut from. they did cut out an entire subplot with a bumbling political criminal group but it was a good move, cutting it. avoid.
Borat, aside from a few scant moments of shock humor wasn't much to rejoice over either. It's really no different than that Johnny Knoxville trash that all the mindless milksops were praising a few years back. Comedy has really taken a tumble over the past decade or so. When mediocre drivel like The Hangover receives critical acclaim you know your genre is gasping for breath. Too much of a reliance on vulgarity to garner the cheap laugh. Zero replay value, very few smirks, serving as a reminder of the shallowness in which we wade.

In regards to Kill Bill, total shit. Barely made it through the first one, never bothered with the second. Uma vs. 100 nips was exhaustingly over the top. Tarantino lost his "blind viewing" credibility years ago. You can only ride the laurels of two good films for so long.

I totally agree about the lack of replay value in most modern comedies. I never gave it much thought but you are right. Onece the initial shock is over with there is not much point in seeing a movie like Borat or Bruno again. While I had a great time at the theater with both of those I don't see myself ever watching them again, and in the case of Borat I have not seen it since the day I saw it in theaters.

In regards to your in regards to Kill Bill, I think you, along with lost of others miss the point. It is supposed to be over the top. When viewing Kill Bill, you must put your self in the mindset of the movies that influenced it. The Kill Bill films are a huge homage to old school spaghetti Westerns and cheesy over the top 70's martial arts movies and are thus just as over the top and corny as those old Samurai movies coming out of Asia back in the day. I think people go into those movies with the wrong mindset and end up disliking them. BTW KB2>KB
Inglourious Basterds is great. Probably his third best. Get ready to read some subtitles though. There's a scene (when they're playing that pub game with the Natzees) that rivals Dennis Hopper's monologue in True Romance.

PS: you're all a bunch of babies

hans landa is fucking scary :waah:

btw, did anyone see bubba ho-tep, don't remember when it was released but whatever.. this movie got no recognition what so ever over here in sweden which surprised me seeing how awesome it is;

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In regards to your in regards to Kill Bill, I think you, along with lost of others miss the point. It is supposed to be over the top.

I hate it when people say this. I don't give a flying fuck if it's supposed to suck. Whether is sucks intentionally or accidentally, it still sucks. And I don't mean KB, I'm just saying this argument is bullshit.
I hate it when people say this. I don't give a flying fuck if it's supposed to suck. Whether is sucks intentionally or accidentally, it still sucks. And I don't mean KB, I'm just saying this argument is bullshit.

Amen. Negars were intended to be disgusting, loathsome, charred, resentful cattle which technology passed by. Does that mean I have to look at them with the same reverence I would a steer? If Sonny Bono slopes down Quentin Tarantino's forehead and accidentally hits a tree, does it make a sound? That argument is about as flawed as a health bill for bottom feeders.

Furthermore, isn't this movie an exaltation of kikes? Hitler incinerated millions of them, yet he's the butt of the joke? Fuck Hollywood!
Negars weren't intended to be anything. No species is intended to be anything (unless you count genetic modification).