Borat, aside from a few scant moments of shock humor wasn't much to rejoice over either. It's really no different than that Johnny Knoxville trash that all the mindless milksops were praising a few years back. Comedy has really taken a tumble over the past decade or so. When mediocre drivel like The Hangover receives critical acclaim you know your genre is gasping for breath. Too much of a reliance on vulgarity to garner the cheap laugh. Zero replay value, very few smirks, serving as a reminder of the shallowness in which we wade.
In regards to Kill Bill, total shit. Barely made it through the first one, never bothered with the second. Uma vs. 100 nips was exhaustingly over the top. Tarantino lost his "blind viewing" credibility years ago. You can only ride the laurels of two good films for so long.