
Went to go see Dredd in 3D on Friday. Pretty fuckin' cool film all round, as it happens. The drugged-out/slow-motion sequences are great-looking and used effectively, the film's sufficiently brutal with just enough black humour leavening the nihilism of it all, and Karl Urban does a pretty great job as Dredd. Well worth a watch.
Bourne Legacy was pretty decent. More story driven than the action driven Damon trilogy, but attention grabbing throughout. I really like this Renner fuck, dbag factor is at a bare minimum, and Rachel Weisz got me torqued. Almost pulled a monoxide in the aisle and exposed myself. Hmm mmm. Only negative was the motorcycle chase, a couple far fetched touches uncharacteristic to the series were thrown in. All forgiven, Bourne pummels the drivel known as Bond.
Saw Moonrise Kingdom. It's pretty damn ace, if you go into it expecting to see a really pretty-looking cartoon with quirky characters and quirky dialogue.

Basically if you've always hated Wes Anderson, this will not change your mind. At all.

I'm not a huge fan myself, but I'll say that this is probably his best. Ed Norton kills.

not sure what just possessed me to sit through this but I did. It wasn't bad at all. super simple story at the core ... but the visuals and quirky delivery made it easy to get lost in.
ARBITRAGE .... good Wall Street style caper ... Richard Gere was really good and so was a pretty unknown actor, Nate Parker, who for me stole the movie ...
You guys gotta head out and see That's My Boy. I think the last time I laughed that hard in a theater was for Anchorman...better than 21 Jump Street, just a great comedy flick

not sure what made me watch it ... but it was pretty fucking funny ...
one of the better Sandler flicks.
hahhha ... INSIDIOUS ... first hour was kind of cool, creepy and promising. then it turned into something made by Troma Films ... it was like 2 different directors working on it.

Just watched it and totally agree.

Goes from great creepiness to Darth Maul in dreamland. What in the hell were they thinking???
Agree with Insidious.

Have not yet seen Session 9. I think it was the movie David Caruso left CSI to star in....and it flopped horrobly and ruined his career for a decade. Which is funny because I fuckin loathe David Caruso
Session 9 is fucking ACE.

Just a really tense vibe that keeps building and building throughout. Abandoned mental institution. Five asbestos-removers, all under various types of outside pressure. Psychological terror at its best.