Just looked it up, is she getting dp'd? Nice teats.
Battle Royale is one overrated piece of fromage.
Fuck Shia LaBeouf
Rose freaking McGowan getting DP'd and one of THOSE guys is the goddamn serial killer
fucking epic
Saw Moonrise Kingdom. It's pretty damn ace, if you go into it expecting to see a really pretty-looking cartoon with quirky characters and quirky dialogue.
Basically if you've always hated Wes Anderson, this will not change your mind. At all.
I'm not a huge fan myself, but I'll say that this is probably his best. Ed Norton kills.
You guys gotta head out and see That's My Boy. I think the last time I laughed that hard in a theater was for Anchorman...better than 21 Jump Street, just a great comedy flick
hahhha ... INSIDIOUS ... first hour was kind of cool, creepy and promising. then it turned into something made by Troma Films ... it was like 2 different directors working on it.