
Saw an advanced screening of The Tomb with Stallone/Arnold last night. Pretty decent action flick with an over the top 80s feel. Funny how no action star nowadays can come close to captivating an audience as the old geezers from the 80. These guys can be mowing people down in wheels from the scooter store, and it would still shit on all these pretty boy faggoths Hollywood tries to push down our throats.

who is a current day action star? Statham? ... he's the only one I can think of.

Liam Neeson seems to be turning into one though ...
if you liked Planet Earth you will eat up Baraka ... also ... the new one from the same team ... Samsara

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my netflix ...

KILLER JOE was pretty fucking cool ... some weird black comedy, neo-noir ... McConaughey in his best role yet ... not sure about that ending though.
hmm ... first half of that trailer looks like Cabin in the Woods ...
also looks like the humor is gone.

does look gory though in a Cattle Decapitation video kind of way.