
I expected some good old horror movie but it looked like a new trying too hard to be gross fail. So no

It's hardly new. And seriously, how could you not enjoy scenes like this?

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Exactly my point - it's hardly new... but it looks like it was one of scary legends wannabe from 2001.
I was really excited about it but stopped watching in the middle because this trying too hard to be gore as hell stuff was just over the top ridiculous. Trying too hard = never good, that's where they failed.

I enjoy boob scenes ofc. But it doesn't save the movie for me :)
Well, boobs and gore aren't the only things that appeal, although I did think they were done particularly well here. The film's pretty smart as well - the incredible levels of self interest displayed by almost all the characters throughout contributes as much to the sense of horror as the cadavers and tentacles.

FYI Cannibal Corpse rule.
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Not sure if this credit goes to the movie or to Lovecraft .

Lovecraft is great, but Re-Animator isn't a particularly orthodox take on him. The film had virtually nothing in common with the original Herbert West story from what I remember of it.

Dagon's another good Lovecraft inspired film which is a little closer to the atmosphere of the writing.
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Have to agree with this^ man's opinion.

The scriptwriters definitely deserve praise for straying from the source material and making it work. In many ways it is a horror cinema masterpiece with massive staying power.

Combs is also just... Great.
Dagon's another good Lovecraft inspired film which is a little closer to the atmosphere of the writing.
Oh Dagon was good! The only thing that lacked for me was the creepiness of local people, I'd personally prefer a little bit more details about how fucked up the place was, but for the rest the movie was neat.