
One Inch Man said:

Originally saw them shitz when I was like schfour, it still kicks ass. Maybe I'll go read some of the books now.

hahaha, are you talking about the 1980's version with Kyle McLaughlan, and that narrator? If so, I thought it was fucking awful. If you think that's what Dune was really like, you've got a surprise coming with the book. The ending of that movie was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen and is nothing like the book.

For a good Dune movie version, rent the Sci-Fi Channel version, as well as the sequel they did, Children of Dune. Both high quality and follows the books almost to a T.
just a reminder of how awesome labyrinth is!

and holy shitlins whoever would have thought hot topic would win! but it did today! LABYRINTH DOOR KNOCKER DOOR KNOCKER!:rock:


Holy poop that rules! :rock:

The Magnificent Seven

Yeah I'd totally give up the glory/solitude for some hot Messiskin poontang too. Also I never realized how much Mel Gibson wishes he was Steve McQueen.
The Descent - best horror movie I've seen in many, many years. Take the claustrophobic atmosphere and the 'you don't see the monsters till the end' aspect of the first Alien film, some homages to The Shining (opening sequence) and various other horror films, tight pacing, clever lighting and great performances from the all-female cast, add some genuinely nasty violence and a great ending. That's The Descent.
as big a Scorsese fan as I am, after seeing the over acted Aviator, I fully understand and agree with Clint's win for Million Dollar Baby.
Be Cool

Fun film, but not because of John Travolta or Uma Thurman. The Black Gangstas were hilarious, as was the wigger Vince Vaughn, and The ROck as a gay Samoan bodyguard owned the film. Just stupid fun.
SUSPIRIA ... what a piece of crap. there was about 5 minutes of scary stuff, the rest all talk.

what did all you fans of this see here that I did not?
Saw The Fantastic Four and hour ago, or rather turned it off after an hour or so... what can I say, so stupid, tepid and predictable not even Alba in a tight outfit could make me endure more than half.
Just came back from seeing The Descent.

I like to think I'm a bit of a horror buff but I can say, hand on heart, this is one of the best I've ever seen.

I damn near shit my pants in places. The tension is almost unbearable, making great use of the cave's claustrophobic and pitch black setting.

Really. Go and see this now.