
dill_the_devil said:
Finally watched The Boondock Saints the other night - whoa. Can't wait for the sequel.

"Shee-ut the fuck up you fat bitch! I can't go out for a pack of smokes without running into nine guys you've fucked!"

That's the best part of the movie.

I just saw The Constant Gardener. It was okay. It's real problem was that it seemed as if it couldn't decide what type of movie it wanted to be if that makes sense.
i doubt the boondock saints sequel will ever happen.

pretty much the best movie to watch while ripped, i've seen it 2490857329859 times but only made it to the ending about 23498 times.
Also, if we're talking about Boondock Saints,
Snatch and Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels are also very cool!
Arunas said:
Also, if we're talking about Boondock Saints,
Snatch and Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels are also very cool!
:rock: much better films really, but i've probably watched boondocks more.

the fifth element

pretty cool with great special effects. worked well as a goofy sci-fi adventure with not enough naked milla jovojvovvjcjchich but at least some so that's cool.
Just watched Shaun Of The Dead again (probably close to 15 times now). I keep noticing new things... like the name of the electronics store Shaun works at being Foree electrics (Ken Foree was the actor that played the black SWAT guy in the original Dawn Of The Dead, as well as the television evangelist who repeats the 'when there's no more room in hell...' in the remake), or the name of the other guy who's off sick in the store the day Shaun is in charge being Ash (if you need me to explain that this is an Evil Dead reference... well, you just don't), or when Shaun and Ed are talking to Shaun's mom on the phone and Ed shouts 'We're coming to get you, Barbara', that's a reference to the 'They're coming to get you Barbara' line in Night Of The Living Dead...
dill_the_devil said:
Just watched Shaun Of The Dead again (probably close to 15 times now). I keep noticing new things... like the name of the electronics store Shaun works at being Foree electrics (Ken Foree was the actor that played the black SWAT guy in the original Dawn Of The Dead, as well as the television evangelist who repeats the 'when there's no more room in hell...' in the remake), or the name of the other guy who's off sick in the store the day Shaun is in charge being Ash (if you need me to explain that this is an Evil Dead reference... well, you just don't), or when Shaun and Ed are talking to Shaun's mom on the phone and Ed shouts 'We're coming to get you, Barbara', that's a reference to the 'They're coming to get you Barbara' line in Night Of The Living Dead...
i've heard there are a ton of references like that in SotD, haven't seen all those movies enough to recognize them for myself though. another reason to love that movie :kickass:
I watched Tetsuo (spelling?) at a friends house last night. Some parts seemed almost to insane and random for me, it felt like they started to abandon the plot 2/3 of the way through the movie and just turn all the scenes into acid trips. Still quite an interesting watch.
know of any rumors of Versus 2?? I heard there was something in the works a long while ago.. but haven't seen anything on it since.
the others

decent movie with a good twist and ending. might be worth watching a second time, but i probably won't.
KUNG FU HUSTLE ... pretty ingenious stuff and really energetic, but overall as a movie ... I was not too taken aback.
sin city
for like the 5th time now, that movie fucking rocks. the marv story is the best though, so kinda suffers from the law of diminishing returns. or something.

pretty cool, but sorta like a return of the jedi meets the hobbit ripoff. either way cool special effects and good characters.

ichi the killer
well i thought i had it all figured out until the last 3 minutes, now i'm left scratching my head. was jijii linked to the yakuza or was he just some dude that wanted to fuck with people? either way it was pretty fucked up and i liked it.

two movies, two days, two dudes cutting their own tongue off. :loco: that was very good, and without saying too much for anyone who hasn't seen it, that one opens up a nice sized can of worms about everything love and sex. also i'm sure if that movie was released in america all kinds of people would've freaked. oh, looks like it's getting an american remake hahahahahahaha awesome.