
Violet Baudelaire said:
big lebowski- errrrrr

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind- pretty good actually, specially considering jim carrey was on it

and today ill watch one more night... or something like that?
Hey Big Lebowksi owns and you know it :p
And the other film's name was "Night On Earth" and Im still amazed at how much you understood ^^
i just watched one of my favorite movies Snatch, i alwaysed like this type of movie. my favorite type of movie would have to be caper films any one know any good ones been wanting to see a new one for a while. i've seen oceans eleven, lock, stock, and two smoking barrels, confidence, the score, and few others so there has to be some better ones out there that i haven't seen.
I want to see Requiem For A Dream.

I just saw The Ring, Phone, Jackass The Movie and some other movies..

The Ring wasn't nearly as scary as i expected. I thought i'd be absolutely terrified and wouldn't be able to sleep for the next half a year, but it wasn't scary at all..It was kind of boring even, i was disappointed.
Phone was better though. It was a lot like The Ring, but a lot better, and even a bit scary maybe. And there was a pretty girl in it :p The psycho kid was creepy :P
Jackass was..well, Jackass. Funny, but there wasn't nearly enough Bam in it :o
Did you watch the American Ring or the Japanese Ring? If you watched the Japanese ring and didnt find it scary at all then you just couldnt have been paying enough attention... Hideo Nakata is the best horror director alive IMO. But the film is very artisitic and is a stuggle (its not just mindless BOOs! like most american movies we're used to). Its a pretty complex ghost story.

Phone sounds like a total rip off of a shite remake. I won't judge it till I see it but Im guessing it has nothing on the Japaneze ring.

Best horror ever - Ju On... check it out if you get chance!!!
idari said:
The Ring wasn't nearly as scary as i expected. I thought i'd be absolutely terrified and wouldn't be able to sleep for the next half a year, but it wasn't scary at all..It was kind of boring even, i was disappointed.
That's what I thought. The TV bit freaked me out for part of the day though.

@Rev: I love Snatch :)

I saw I, Robot. I didn't expect much and was once again pleasantly surprised. Makes me want to read the book. Maybe cynical people are on to something after all :p
The only thing that got me with The Ring was near the start when it flashed to that girl who'd died. You know, with the face. That made me start a bit since I wasn't expecting it, but apart from that it was just nicely eerie.
i never thought that i,robot would be bad because of the person who directed it, Alex Proyas, the name may not mean much to most people but every movies of his i liked even if it was only 4. but he did two of my favorite movies the crow and dark city, granted i thought i, robot might be cliche' at first but always had high hopes for it and i thought it turned out good.
I liked The Ring a lot. I mean, it's not the scariest movie ever, but really well done and all.

And I want a scrubs film! Or else I'll have to watch all the episode over and over again until the day that I die!
I'd rather they got on with a 4th series of Scrubs with lots of hours of viewing rather than make a film which would only give us a couple of hours. :p
I, Robot..
When it came out I decided I wasn't too interested, but I keep hearing people being 'pleasantly surprised' by it. Everyone says it's good and I seem to be the only one I know who hasn't seen it..

So now, thanks to you all :P I've made up my plans for this afternoon after work.
'I, Robot' and 'Collateral'
King Chaos said:
Did you watch the American Ring or the Japanese Ring? If you watched the Japanese ring and didnt find it scary at all then you just couldnt have been paying enough attention... Hideo Nakata is the best horror director alive IMO. But the film is very artisitic and is a stuggle (its not just mindless BOOs! like most american movies we're used to). Its a pretty complex ghost story.

Phone sounds like a total rip off of a shite remake. I won't judge it till I see it but Im guessing it has nothing on the Japaneze ring.

Best horror ever - Ju On... check it out if you get chance!!!
Ah, i watched the american one. But now i want to see the japanese one too, since you think it's so much better.

Hmm..I can't say anything to that since i haven't seen the japanese Ring, but Phone is soooo much better than the american Ring.
Heh.. Ive heard both people saying that The Ring rocks Ringu and vice versa.. I personally prefer The Ring, but then again Ive watched The Ring first.. I think they're both cool though :)
Caelestia said:
I saw I, Robot. I didn't expect much and was once again pleasantly surprised. Makes me want to read the book. Maybe cynical people are on to something after all :p
The book is NOTHING like the movie :hypno: .

I saw Ringu and The Ring, and I have to say I fell asleep during Ringu :loco: .

Ringu did not put me to sleep but I stopped watching it way before it ended - I have Ring on DVD and play it every now and then - Friends borrow DVDs all the time and Ring is one they all take and like -
Has anyone seen Open Water ? I've never been so nervous and on the edge of my seat watching a movie - its great - don't think its like Jaws because of the sharks - they used real sharks in this movie - Highly recommended -
Ive heard of that, Im gonna try to get ahold of it :)
And Gaby, you still owe me the list of films I absolutely have to watch :p
muahahahahaha :D
the power...

and imo, both Ring and Ringu are good. the problem with watching The Ring *now * is that you already heard stuff about it and there are high expectations of it being super scary. i watched it as soon as it came out, knowing nothing about it, with japanese girls, and they told me about the original...