
In my opinion, Ringu is scary in a more subtle way - you don't think very much of it when you've just watched it, but it comes back to haunt you later on...
Wolfman Von Jones said:
I saw the new Exorcist movie last night, and it made me sick of computer animation :(.


Well said. Technology has taken over imagination. SFX has taken over a good story and script. I, Robot... some of the sequences, like the cars goign through tunnels, I thought I was watching someone play Gran Turisimo, and badly from the amount of times he crashed the thing.

Having said that I love the Matrix and Reloaded (I haven't seen revolutions...) but they had something there, a good story and concept (shoddy dialogue though..)
Northern Viking said:
I heard the 4th and 5th season are already confirmed. I changed my pants after hearing that :p

Me too, on both parts :lol:
Scrubs is the best thing since sliced bread or something
just as important to the human evolution ;)
Tho I do find Reno 911 quite close to it.

I will do another movie update soon, but I have a huge
9/11 movie overdose, so I can't think anymore hahah
A few days ago I watched Bravo Two Zero. It's quite good, stays reasonably close to the book, but since the book is largely bollocks anyway it's not fully enjoyable. A lot better than Star Wars Episode 2 though, which I finally watched for the first time today. Gods that was bad to start off with, though it did improve later on, and watching Yoda fighting was great. I can't help feeling like I mainly wasted 2 hours though [edit](well okay, maybe it wasn't THAT bad)[/edit], even if I am pleased to have finally watched it to find out the general storyline.
To answer Li and to update my movies of late:

Quite an enjoyable movie, even tho all the neo-psycho-philosphy
talk in movies is really getting to be too much, kinda like this:

Vincent : Max, six billion people on the planet, you're getting
bent out of shape cause of one fat guy.
Max : Well, who was he?
Vincent : What do you care? Have you ever heard of Rwanda?
Max : Yes, I know Rwanda.
Vincent : Well, tens of thousands killed before sundown.
Nobody's killed people that fast since Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Did
you bat an eye, Max?
Max : What?
Vincent : Did you join Amnesty International, Oxfam, Save
the Whales, Greenpeace, or something? No. I off one fat Angelino
and you throw a hissy fit.
Max : Man, I don't know any Rwandans.
Vincent : You don't know the guy in the trunk, either.

Best part of the movie was Audioslave in the soundtrack.
Could waste 2 hours doing something worse too.

Aliens Vs. Predator
Well, what the heck, I did enjoy Resident Evil and both Predators,
so this should be ok. Too bad Alien 3 and 4 kinda fucked up the
whole alien idea. Anyway this is one of those "throw your brain in
the trash and enjoy" movies. Nice special effects and ok action, it
did have some nice things to tie it into the Aliens movies as well.
The script I read a while back sounded much better tho.

911: The Road To Tyranny
I tried to watch this, I really did, but the INSANE Alex Jones, with
his "everything since the beginning of time is a conspiracy" idea
was too much even for me. I mean there is limits on how far to
take your paranoia.

Ok, that is it for now, I have seen some other stuff, but I am at
work, so it's hard to concentrate and try to remember all the crap.
I watched Lost in Translation today. It's damn good, I liked it a lot once I stopped waiting for something "Hollywood" to happen.
Well this evening I watched Equilibrium, and what a right steaming pile of elephant turd I think it is. That the plotline was virtually telegraphed would've been okay if it had've been carried out in an interesting way, but it was done boringly as well. I'm also really tired of Hollywood shoot-outs. And Sean Bean didn't have a big enough part. I missed the men's 4x100m relay final and most of a Peter Kay stand-up show just to watch this. I want my 2 hours back.

On a happier note, The Butterfly Effect was brilliant, one of the best films I've watched for a long while. It even made me exclaim aloud a couple of times. I'll probably even watch it again soon.
Rusty said:
On a happier note, The Butterfly Effect was brilliant, one of the best films I've watched for a long while. It even made me exclaim aloud a couple of times. I'll probably even watch it again soon.
i cried when i watched it, but it was nowhere near as traumatising as along comes polly. i can't believe they both can be watched by a young audience.
the message of the past decade of hollywood comedies: every attempt at control is destined to end in tragedy. yeah right. nice things we tell our kids.

oh, but wait: we don't have kids anymore. every attempt at control is destined to end in tragedy, remember?
Ive watched "Elephant" a while back and I liked it a lot. It won the golden palm tree of Cannes in 2003, too. I havent seen it being advertised in the cinemas though.. so maybe no one else has seen it
last week i saw fahreneit 9/11 and didn't like it. surprise. no, seriously, it's not because of politics. it's just because, unlike bowling for columbine, it doesn't introduce the viewer to a series of questions to which the director's answers might be reasonable, even if you don't agree with them. this time, it's just an attempt to prove a conspiracy theory that doesn't really make sense, i. e. the current US government wants a state of permanent war for personal enrichment. and i'm not going to believe such wild visions put forward by a man that uses bloodhound gang's fire, water, burn as an example of music used to charge young soldiers for the fight.

i also saw i, robot. i normally don't like sci-fi, but i trusted a colleague of mine and went to see this movie - not bad, i must say.