
no ok, i exagerate a lot :p
but there were many many sad parts that did make me cry, mainly the forest fairy scene and the whole ending. ok wait the beginning was too beautiful and magical and that too...
ok ill shut up before i sound even more cheesy. it just is a very good movie, handles the psychological aspects of not wanting to grow up very well.

but all disney movies and most children movies make me cry.
Violet Baudelaire said:
handles the psychological aspects of not wanting to grow up very well.

I can guess that the psychological aspects of growing up not very well are rather negative as well, right? I wouldn't blame people not wanting it beforehand. :rolleyes:

Well, the fact is I dloaded that movie you talk about and some friend of mine told me it was really crappy, so I deleted it a couple of hours ago because I lacked space on my HD. How nice. :cry:

|ng (who remains trapped in his childhood)
I love, love, LOVE The Butterfly Effect. The only thing I'm sorry about is not watching it sooner (hey, who can take Ashton Kutcher seriously :p). I watched the Director's Cut version. Read about the theatrical version and it sounded shitty in comparison. I'm so getting it first thing tomorrow. Er, today. If you haven't seen it, go watch it. NOW.

Oh, did I mention I LOVE the movie? :D
Either I told you so, or I meant to tell you so. I dunno about all this director's cut business though, not sure which one I watched.
i have a peter pan obsession so yo umight wnt to take that into consideration before making up your mind
Violet Baudelaire said:
i have a peter pan obsession so yo umight wnt to take that into consideration before making up your mind
No you don't.

He does. :lol:

NB: I would hot link some pics if I could, but I can't. :( Still I suggest you all have at least a cursory look at this site before scrolling past it.

*dies laughing*
I wasn't a big fan of Pitch Black. This new Riddick movie changes the whole concept to a sort of epic-magic-weird world where Vin Diesel is someone strong and intelligent. That's the wonderful effect of sci-fi: it makes unbelievable things come true. ;) In general terms, I found the movie quite boring and predictable, although it had a couple of funny scenes.

King Chaos said:
so I went in with high hopes, which were forfilled.

Saw dodge ball tonight, predictable for the majortiy but still nice. Not the kinda movie I would recommend paying for though, might keep an eye out for a DivX...

"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!"
@violet: no i didn't, i just saw the disney one and it did make me cry indeed. the first 20 minutes mainly.

i watched scent of a woman last night, and it kind of puzzled me. certainly not what i was expecting - i completely fail to understand where is the honorable conduct in deciding to cover up for a bunch of spoiled brats committing an act of vandalism. unbelievably, i was also a bit disappointed in al pacino, or better yet in his character: he seemed disoriented and weak, also during what should have been the final showdown.
Baseketball: Hilarious.
Monster: Not boring, it's ok but that whiny spoiled Ricci bitch should be shot.
Japanese Ring 0: w.t.f. :err: yaaaaaaaaaaawn.
Haunting: Bleeeh..The main character looks annoying and Catherine Zeta-Jones is so beautiful that it pisses me off.