
I rented two films on Saturday: The Lost Boys <3 and Henry Lee Lucas - the serial killer.

The Lost Boys brings back sweet memories from the 80's when I first saw it. :') It still rocks: "Sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. It's fun to be a vampire!" :muahaha:

Henry Lee Lucas is probably one of the most pessimistic films I've seen and based on a true story of a serial killer. Very disturbing movie.. It's shocking that a person named Henry Lee existed and he committed all those murders. Henry Lee had no empathy for the victims nor remorse for what he did. It's frightening that there are many psychopaths in this world if you start to think about it..
@loli: i must see this movie then, i love serial killer films but there's very few one that are real-life stories as opposed to exaggerations. i don't find the concept of a serial killer disturbing: after all, these people obviously are mentally ill, the fact that they have no remorse or concern doesn't even depend on them. they are a danger to society, true, but they're like people with down syndrome: you can't blame them for doing things that are absurd to the ordinary individual, it's a vile trick of genetics.
Yeah, but you sure can punish them :D.

Henry Lee Lucas was bad even for serial killers. One time he and his partner traveled around with the lower half of a woman in a trunk for months. He would have sex with it, and Lucas' homosexual lover didnt like the fact that he was bisexual, so whenever Lucas was being a necrophile, his partner would maim and beat the corpse.

of course you can punish them, i'm not in favor of serial killers running free in city streets. locking them up is necessary. especially if they have sex with corpses. blah.
If your into serial killer movies check out Monster with Charlize Theron
or the documentaries " Aileen, Life and Death of a Serial Killer" and Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer - all 3 tell the same story but from different perspectives -
very few woman serial killers
Heh, sounds funny "if you're into serial killer movies.." :p But okay, I find these monstrous people i.e. psychopats interesting in a way. Documentaries are a bit more accurate in a sense than movies I think. I'd like to have some explanation why do they behave like they do; I'd like to know how these people's minds work with no conscience, no empathy nor remorse.
I saw Hellboy yesterday.. hmm, it's ok. I liked that it doesnt take itself too seriously. For example: "Remind me why I do this.." "Rednecks and mankind's saviour!" "Oh right!" that was funny :grin:
Umm yeah, but apart from that, just another film..
:cry: Horror bashing is uncool. Catching up with this thread depressed me. I meant Ring... not Ring 0. Appologies. I liked that movie.

Last night I watched the eye again on my new surround sound. Its one of those crap pretentious far east horror movies you were talking about *sarcastic tone/raises middle finger*. Scary as hell movie. I love every minute. Especially the first half when the scares are just unrelenting.

@Rahvin. I dig Dario Argento. Phenomena is phenominal, as is suspiria, profondo rosso and sleepers.

Hideo Nakata still pwns all his movies with Dark water. Its an awesome movie about relationships and abandonment. *dares you to call it pretentious*
Visiting a film festival again, with a lower far I've seen

I didn't know this was based on some anime series from the 70's (shame on me), so having been seen it or knowing something about it would have helped with the plot, methinks. Anyway....visually....absolutely amazing, gorgeous, I was very impressed, I liked the style how it was made. But the plot...was pretty crap :erk: and bit korny aswell, and in some parts things were made to last way too long. But this film was still worth seeing.

Ok, I was waiting to see this film the most, I'm not a big Takashi Miike fan (well, this was the first film of him I have ever seen, shame on me again) but now I definitely am one. The problem with this movie was, nothing wrong with the movie itself, but the people....they had sent the wrong version of it, a version WITH NO SUBTITLES. Great. And now they tell there even isn't a version with subtitles. They could've checked it before showing it, but oh well :rolleyes: Anyway, most of the people left disappointed, but I was one of those who decided to stay, subtitles or not. Besides, there was one interesting scene in the beginning which made me stay, no matter what :tickled: I was pretty lost, didn't understand a single ching-chong-wang during that two hours it took, but I still enjoyd the film, because it had some great and erh, interesting scenes :lol: I really want to see a version with subtitles of this movie. Japanese people are strange.

This apparently was also based on a manga series, which I had no clue about( know how it goes already). But this movie surprised me, it was really funny and entertaining, and there were and lots of fighting scenes and lots of samurai swords and lots of blood and lots of people dying and lots of.... :Spin: The main character being cute as hell kind of balanced all of that. ^_^ kawaii!

Heart is Deceitful, Above All Things
I don't really know much about Dario Argento, and even less about her daughter, or about J.T. Leroy :erk: (film is based on his book). But I was interested of seeing this film, as it was descriped shocking. I must say I was little disappointed, it didn't shock me or make me feel bad or sad, or anything really. Maybe it's just me. The film was good nevertheless, and interesting. Nothing big tho.

I supposed to see this movie in this one earlier film festival, but I missed it, and almost missed it this time aswell. I'm glad I didn't. This movie was simply great, hilarious and and serious at the same time, maybe sad aswell. entertaining definitely. And I liked the idea behind this movie and how it was made. Definitely worth seeing, wouldn't mind seeing it again right away, since you probably can't figure everything in the first time.
~Zeanra~ said:
Ok, I was waiting to see this film the most, I'm not a big Takashi Miike fan (well, this was the first film of him I have ever seen, shame on me again) but now I definitely am one. The problem with this movie was, nothing wrong with the movie itself, but the people....they had sent the wrong version of it, a version WITH NO SUBTITLES. Great. And now they tell there even isn't a version with subtitles. They could've checked it before showing it, but oh well :rolleyes: Anyway, most of the people left disappointed, but I was one of those who decided to stay, subtitles or not. Besides, there was one interesting scene in the beginning which made me stay, no matter what :tickled: I was pretty lost, didn't understand a single ching-chong-wang during that two hours it took, but I still enjoyd the film, because it had some great and erh, interesting scenes :lol: I really want to see a version with subtitles of this movie. Japanese people are strange.

Why you lucky thing!!! :p I badly want to see this film. Im a huge Miike fan (Im doing a project on him as an auteur). If you liked the wierdness - check out Visitor Q. Freaky shit, but it's bloody hilarious.

@Hearse: I didn't like Irreversible when I first saw it, but after a while I started to realise it was a very clever and thought provoking movie. It's not conventional in any way, and I can see how that would throw most people right off.
King Chaos said:
Why you lucky thing!!! :p I badly want to see this film. Im a huge Miike fan (Im doing a project on him as an auteur). If you liked the wierdness - check out Visitor Q. Freaky shit, but it's bloody hilarious.
Thanks :) feel free to suggest other films by him aswell, some films which I can even find from a video store. Are any of those on videos anyway? :erk: One more Miike film tomorrow, One Missed Call, hope it's good aswell..
I havn't seen one missed call. Miike has made 61 films in the past ten years, so its really hard to keep track on what he's doing and which films are really worth watching. So far the best Ive seen are Dead or Alive, Audition, Ichi the killer and Visitor Q. Alot of his films are made for TV or made for video movies and don't come anywhere near europe... which is a massive shame.
i wanted to see "One Missed Call" :(

seen: Hard Luck Hero, which was pretty decent though it started to get cheesy towards the middle of it, and the extremely pink happy unrealistic ending sort of ruined it all

Lapsia ja Aikuisia (Producing Adults) my first finnish movie... what can i say so that i don't spoil anything? some parts were funny, some were sad... um highly recommended, not in the mood to go into details
Hearse said:
I did watch it...
and it was boring...
Only thing that was good in it was the camera using...
except for that waving all the time.. it was weak...
Its not boring... its too intricate and intense to be boring. It is a pretty difficult movie though. Someone having his face disintergrated by the unrelentless pounding of a fire extinguisher in close up is the opposite to tedium, it's exciting and brutal. La tennia deserved that foul death... that bastard butt raper.
One Missed Call
Kind of expected more of this movie than of some average film, being a Miike film. But it was also descriped as more "Hollywoody", made for bigger audience, meaning leaving out the sickest and weirdest parts :bah: And....I wasn't really satisfied with this movie, it was just...ok, it didn't scare me, or surprise me, and it was maybe a bit too much like The Ring. There were some nice parts, tho, hehe. But I've seen films like this before.

That SUCKED!!!! If you have been planning to see that, do not.
The people who have done the trailer and advertise the movie as horror should be hanged. It´s just drama and boring one! All there happens is crying!! ARGH!! :yell:
Thank fucking everything on this earth we went to see it in a cheap day and only paid 5 euros. Normally it would´ve been 9e.
The Count of Monte Cristo - great revenge movie i'm sure the original play was better but at the moment the movie will sufise, but the movie has a great build up even though it is kinda slow.

Event Horizon - i just like this movie because its creepy and when i first saw it when i was younger it was the only movie to freak me out but its more un-nerving than anything, plus its sci-fi which are movies i like when done right.

Grind - what can i say it has skatboarding and comedy and i like both. great movie nothing big but not dumbfounding eaither.

The Punisher - Wasnt as bad as i thought it would be but still just another action flick it has a few good moments like the russian guy fight that was amusing.

Walking Tall - what can i say i liked the rundown with the rock so i thought this might be good but alass it wasn't by far. not a horrible disater but just another action movie.

Dark City - One of my favorite movies ever. don't know why but the style, story, idea of it all just intriged me when i first saw it. i know that doesn't say much but if you haven't saw it i don't want to ruin it but it is a sci-fi type of movie and i guess it could go in a few other type of movie genre slots.