
i'm starting to feel actively stupid. i just watched the recruit and i didn't really understand what was going on. if i think really hard i might be able to reconstruct the story, but i find it a bit unsettling that i should think really hard in order to get the plot of a fairly low-brow hollywood film. first i struggled to make sense of a part of i, robot; then i thought that the two women with children in the army in fahreneit 9/11 were the same person, hence believing that the director was even more biased than he actually was. then i get confused over this movie. can somebody please explain to me why pacino's character needed to involve farrell's character at all? couldn't he just get the reconstructed software from the girl? she thought it was harmless anyway, so why bother? my head's going to explode. :erk:
hyena: I love movies like that, for which you have to think a bit and you never quite know what's going on as it goes on. I thought that was a great movie. I saw it two times, but a very long time ago. I'd be glad to help you but I can barely remember what it was about :confused: ..I do remember the ending though, it was great.

KC said:
I saw the remake dawn of the dead. hahahaha... great movie. I thought it was well directed and the baby horror bit was pretty disturbing. The gore was just entertaining.
My main comment on that movie would have to be about the gore special effects ..they were actually quite impressive. I haven't seen a film that portrayed gore so 'realistically'.
I watched "the recruit" a few months ago as well, but i don't remember much about it right now. I suppose it was indeed a bit confusing, but i don't remember it not making any sense at all in the end. I'm tempted to watch it again now, but i have a load of new movies..

Apart from that, i recently watched "Lost In Translation". It was ok, but much less than i expected it to be. It had some funny moments, and i loved the ending, but it kind of annoyed me that not much was going on. The acting was really good though.

Bergman's "7th Seal" is a true masterpiece. I went reluctantly to watch it, thinking i would fall asleep, but eventually i just fell in love with it. Enough said.

Coppola's "Dracula" is also great, i watched it for the first time last Saturday. It's a shame i hadn't seen it earlier, i'll now make up by borrowing it again and again. ;)
MagSec4 said:
My main comment on that movie would have to be about the gore special effects ..they were actually quite impressive. I haven't seen a film that portrayed gore so 'realistically'.

Yeah thats true, The chainsawing of the legs looked slick, and when they were head hunting the Zombies with the sniper rifle it reminded me of the JFK assasination file footage... Very realistic indeed.
Siren said:
Apart from that, i recently watched "Lost In Translation". It was ok, but much less than i expected it to be. It had some funny moments, and i loved the ending, but it kind of annoyed me that not much was going on. The acting was really good though.
Yeah, most of the people feel the very same way. The fact is that I loved the whole movie, from the beginning to the end, every detail is delicious, albeit it is not something made to catch the attention of people expecting something taking place *explicitly*. To me, the movie is simply the crossing of two drifting lives, without a direction because of very different reasons: Murray is someone who has lost the thread of his life and who is floating around hopelessly, and Scarlett Johansson has started off a life which seems to go ahead on its own, leaving Johansson in the back seat.

It was like watching these two people on the screen blinking at each other in perplexity, as if their mere existence was puzzling, and sharing moments of absolute comprehension and intimacy never experienced before. Something magic happening soundlessly, and backgrounded by a strong change of culture, which as a matter of fact helps tightening the relationship.

In my case, the movie was actually touching and meaningful, brilliant most of the times. But I know I'm alone on this, so I let you people say how boring it is. :p

Don't get me wrong, my dear robot, i loved the movie. The problem was that i was constantly expecting something more to happen, hence the annoyance. I wasn't bored, more like disappointed. I'd gladly watch it again, no doubt about that, because the feelings were displayed in a rather intense way through the interaction of the protagonists, and the nature of said feelings was very sweet. Though i have my doubts they were purely friendly as it was written on the back cover of the dvd. :p
Siren said:
Don't get me wrong, my dear robot, i loved the movie. The problem was that i was constantly expecting something more to happen, hence the annoyance.

The curious thing is that I found there were lotsa things happening frantically, regardless the seemingly "no-thing-actually-taking-place". Dunno, I respect your opinion, little one. ;)

Maybe you should make me a list, it could open my mind a bit. ;)
I'm glad you liked it though, and i really liked your review of it, we don't get to read such in depth reviews around here a lot.
@siren: bergman has the strangest ways of popping up when least expected, distorting the little perspective one could have achieved on some things before the tape started.
do watch "dogville" if you like bergman and do watch a danish film called "arven" which came out last year.
Just finished watching Rambo - first blood. I´ve seen it at least once before and I gotta say that it was very good. Ok, it wasn´t shakespeare (like some of you sour & serious assfuckers might say) but it was first-class entertainment. One of the best so-called action movies.

Unluckily though, I wached the movie using pc 15-inch-monitor and my supercheap speakers, which caused me to have some serious problems understanding some lines: breaking down -part of the end stayed quite unclear to me, because I missed about 75% of all the things mister Stallone threw into air verbally. All that could have been fixed easily by getting subtitles to the movie or by buying a real legal of copy of that film.

Gotta recommend to all. :grin:
i've finally finished watching the last instalment of the 6-hour Italian epic "La meglio gioventù".

i never cried so much for a film, but then again i recommend it to all italians (@rahvin: if you haven't seen it yet, that's your homework for next week, so that we can discuss it when we meet). i've seen it in four sittings, and i am satisfied with my choice because it allowed me to get into the character's heads and the story better.
hyena said:
(@rahvin: if you haven't seen it yet, that's your homework for next week, so that we can discuss it when we meet).
i've certainly seen the first part, i'll go pick up the second half next week. i did like what i've seen so far, even though i have some observations that are less than flattering about the italian way of making movies.
Northern Viking said:
I watched "The Boondock Saints" again today and I love it. Has anyone else seen it?

Fuck yeah!
Waiting for the sequel with a held breath, not sure if a sequel is
a good thing or a bad thing.
There is another great movie in the same kind of vein, but can't
remember the name now, I will try to look for it at home tho.
@rahve: quite right. also, the first part didn't make me cry one iota. i'm waiting to see how you handle the second. :)
hyena said:
i've finally finished watching the last instalment of the 6-hour Italian epic "La meglio gioventù".

i never cried so much for a film, but then again i recommend it to all italians (@rahvin: if you haven't seen it yet, that's your homework for next week, so that we can discuss it when we meet). i've seen it in four sittings, and i am satisfied with my choice because it allowed me to get into the character's heads and the story better.

mmm.... the title does ring a bell in my head... but I can't seem to grasp anything else... any information please, hyena?
and... 6 hours??? I hope at least it's split up in several films... and "epic" like "fucking long" or like "Valhalla!!!!!"?

on another hand, last night I saw "Hero"... now I'm not into Oriental culture at all, but a friend of mine claimed it as "the best movie ever" or somethiong along the line... all I can say is: I'll never hear my friend's suggestions again!!!!!
Strider said:
on another hand, last night I saw "Hero"... now I'm not into Oriental culture at all, but a friend of mine claimed it as "the best movie ever" or somethiong along the line... all I can say is: I'll never hear my friend's suggestions again!!!!!

Yep, it's boring. Or what does Magsec4 and King Chaos say? ;)
Child of Time said:
Yep, it's boring. Or what does Magsec4 and King Chaos say? ;)

well I didn't read all the thread (beg you pardon) so I didn't notice that the film has already been discussed...
I think that colors and the photography are gorgeus but I totally dislike the fighting style... all the over-the-top jumps brings to me only laughter... and the acting is really bad in my opinion, emotionless, static...

well, just not my cup of tea, I'm afraid...