
King Chaos said:
My favourite part was when the School kids are answering questions about Love, Democracy and the concept of a country. The kids give such fucked up answers, Meanwhile Izo is hacking hords of screaming women to pieces in the corridor. Masterpiece!
:dopey: Me wants to see.
Just saw Suicide Club. it had some good scenes, i didnt really get some parts of it, either my japanese sucks or its just a typical weird nonsense japanese movie.
Last night, I saw "Ray". It's about Ray Charles and it's a moving and inspirational movie. Most of the movie takes place when Ray started his career in the 50's and 60's. The story touches on his drug use, his mistress, his family, his career, and a small bit of his childhood in a series of flashbacks. The actor Jamie Foxx did a great job protraying Ray Charles and I smell an Oscar nomination or five for him. One thing I learned about Ray Charles was that his apparent ticks and inability to sit still was due to his heroin use and abuse. I definitely recommend it and the only complaint I have is that there's not enough explosions in the movie. :D
I watched Ken Park some days ago... most of all, it's very disturbing... then, the scenes just dont make sense together and waste all of their potential.
Just imagine a good film.. then take half of the scenes from it and fill the gaps with random porn, made with the same actors.. there you go.
Also, Id like to see the censored version.. cant be longer than 45 minutes.. :rolleyes:
i wanna see

today i watched Shaun of the Dead. it had some pretty funny parts, wouldve helped if my computer isnt so crappy and would lag
I saw The Butterfly Effect and Dawn Of The Dead last week. The Butterfly Effect was very good. It was interesting and i didn't expect it to end the way it did.
Dawn Of The Dead was silly. Not scary at all (horror movies are never scary :erk: ), but it was funny and ok. I didn't dislike it but didn't like it much either.
@viking: i concur on ken park, all the sex didn't even turn me on, even if i find stephen jasso quite beautiful. the whole interaction wasn't erotic in the least IMO. i think that larry clark was trying to tell the viewers that teenagers are better than adults because instead of being close-minded, perverted, aggressive, and untruthful they know how to abandon themselves to the joys of uncomplicated gangbangs. :rolleyes:

i watched two movies in the last 15 hours and i'm going to see another one tonight.
the first, the american president, is a silly fluffy story with michael douglas in the lead role and i enjoyed it, which goes to show i'm stupid. :p it's good entertainment if you're obscenely tired and want a love story with a happy end. there's a bit of propaganda scattered here and there but it's just a plot device, i doubt that politics were even on the minds of who made the film.

i just finished watching full metal jacket for the first time in my life (yeah, i'm late). didn't really impress me - not boring, but not exceptional. kinda half-good and half-bad, where the half-good part is the directing and acting, the half-bad is that it didn't really give me any worthwile message.

tonight i'm finally seeing the manchurian candidate, will report back.
i just watched flatliners. i would say it's a nicely made movie, and i liked some of the sets (ie the anatomy room) very much, but if you want to know what i honestly think about it, one word is enough: crap. :)
now, i promised i'd report back and here i am.

everyone who knows me knows i don't walk out of cinemas. ever.

tonight was a first. don't see the manchurian candidate, especially in the front rows. the movie is horrendously slow, too long, inconclusive, and stupid.
i tried to edit my post (and gave up due to lenghty loading times) because i realized it sounded stupid, especially because of the "never walking out of theatres" concept itself - i should have specified that normally i don't walk out before the movie is over. :p but you make a valid point, too.

and anyway, a friend just phoned me to tell me that nothing happened in the full hour i missed, so my point stands :D
I could have downloaded it from a friend with good speed and I didnt.. a pity for the money you wasted but you did well for the hour you saved :)
right, today i watched roger and me so now i have seen all three feature films by michael moore. there's most definitely growth along the way - being the first full-lenght for him, it's not as organized as the ones that would follow. still, an interesting watch.

i'm thinking of another movie tonight - this is officially film-watching weekend... but i'm not sure about what. i'm thinking american psycho because i was overexcited by the book, but some people have told me that the film doesn't do it justice. maybe i'll just be lighthearted and watch dick tracy

now i have a question for all of you:

i need movie recommendations. so please list your favorites in the following genres:

- thriller of the cops and gangsters variety

- thriller of the political variety

- thriller of the serial killer variety

- humor

- war (real war, not fantasy)

- alternative of the wasted youth variety (think trainspotting or kids)

- alternative of the wtf variety (think amèlie, even though i loathed it)

- alternative of the political variety (think anything by spike lee)

- romance

thank you!
Go watch Alexander. :) I've always been fascinated by Alexander The Great and Oliver Stone directed it, so maybe it's not all that terrible despite the Warner Bros tag.

Oh wait you didn't like Full Metal Jacket. Forget it, I'm not recommending anything to you. :p
Although, I've never gotten past the point where Gomer Pyle (whatever his real name was, not sure if that was even his mockname) kills the sergeant and himself. Once I started watching it from the middle and so I remember parts of the Viatnam section too. Still, I very much like what I remember of it, and the last time I saw it (a week or two ago) I only had to stop watching because I was getting disgusted by it. To my amazement this is a positive aspect. Just wasn't the right time for watching it I guess.
@tfh: thanks. btw, i did like fmj - it just didn't live up to my expectations, being a kubrik film and all.
Try watching "The Thin Red Line" if you want a war movie. The first time I saw it, it left me with a sense of bewilderment, the second time I started to really appreciate it.
The movie is chaste enough, but for those thinking of reading the book, beware; there's apparently lots of gay sex in it (if that's not your style).
thanks to you too!

where's everyone else? hey, answer my nice set of questions. i'll be grateful forever. :p

so much for the "entertaining movie" tonight. i ended up watching 8 mm and it totally creeped me out.
@rahv: that bad? i mean - now i've got it, i'm very curious about it... give me one strong argument and i'll avoid watching it.
8mm is a really good film, and yes, very creepy.
I'll have to watch "Gegen die Wand" ("Against the wall" would be the direct translation) sometime soon. The film caused quite some trouble a year or so ago when it came out, partly because the main actress had appeared in some porn movies, which the director knew, but apparently no one else did, lol. Also, it's said to be a good film :p
Dunno if it got dubbed, but there should be subtitles available or something