
i need movie recommendations. so please list your favorites in the following genres:

- thriller of the cops and gangsters variety
Mmm Reservoir Dogs in the remote case you havent seen it.

- thriller of the political variety
You got me here i dont know

- thriller of the serial killer variety
I havent seen a good one recently actually

- humor
Same as above

- war (real war, not fantasy)
Jakobs (sp? ) ladder. Not really a war movie but war themed anyway. Also try Full Metal Jacket.

- alternative of the wasted youth variety (think trainspotting or kids)
Requiem for a Dream is a must if you havent seen it

- alternative of the wtf variety (think amèlie, even though i loathed it)
Eraserhead. I think "what the fuck!?" is the perfect ( and only ) way to decribe it.

- alternative of the political variety (think anything by spike lee)
Again you got me here, the only spike lee movie ive seen is the 25th hour and is not at all political, at least i think.

- romance
True Romance :Spin: :loco:
Just saw: Populäärimusiikkia Vittulajänkältä aka Populärmusik från Vittula (in Swedish). :p Just so great and a funny movie about two boys who grew up in a small and strange village in Sweden close to Finnish border.
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Just saw: Populäärimusiikkia Vittulajänkältä aka Populärmusik från Vittula (in Swedish). :p Just so great and a funny movie about two boys who grew up in a small and strange village in Sweden close to Finnish border.
and then they became dyslexic? :p
What is this thread about? Like the NP thread but for movies? ;)

Ah, I'm seeing Rambo - First Blood right now on the computer, xvid. Such a great movie! Brian Dennehy is truly amazing, and Sylvester is cool as hell. Am I joking? Nah, it's a cool movie. :p And I saw Bladerunner of course. They are not built to last.

@LOST TO APATHY: Rambo - first blood rules big time. I just watched it on the computer like a month ago. One of best actions ever.

I finished yesterday watching Clerks, which was a good but no so good as I had remebered. (2. time seeing)
I also watched American Beauty (from tv) yesterday - liked it of couse very much, it´s just that I´ve seen it couple times before.

Today I started to watch Garfield The Movie, pc-version, but I don´t like it. Only good thing is that it has Jennifer Love Hewitt, but that is as far as it goes.
Shame if considered, that the comics were amazing.
Though, I have just seen about 40 mins, so I has still time to turn better (or worse).
Movies I've seen tha past week or so:

Double Jeopardy Not bad, but I didn't care for Ashley Judd's acting in some scenes.

National Treasure It was alright. Typical let's-sit-down-and-solve-a-mindboggling-puzzle-in-a-few-seconds-just-like-that :rolleyes:

Pitch Black I saw the Riddick sequel but I hadn't seen the original. I was always told it sucked, so I found it better than I expected; but then again, I guess I'm more into that sort of shit.

A Perfect Murder Good movie. Typical Michael Douglas role (that lucky old bastard :bah: )

The Corruptor My favorite of all these. Great film. Very nice balance between realism, morality, emotion, and intense action. Chow Yun Fat is the man, His acting makes up for all the horrible Chinese acting (which is immense :P )
Ive watched Irréversible last night and it just sucks. Technically, it's well done with the camera movements and all, but the people in it are annoying and it's violent to an extent that is hardly bearable anymore :erk:
This one rape scene must be the heaviest scene Ive seen so far.. the director must be a lunatic
Northern Viking said:
Ive watched Irréversible last night and it just sucks. Technically, it's well done with the camera movements and all, but the people in it are annoying and it's violent to an extent that is hardly bearable anymore :erk:
This one rape scene must be the heaviest scene Ive seen so far.. the director must be a lunatic
That's how I felt after seeing it. I actually had nightmares about the rape. Now I think back on it I realise it was actually a very good movie. Unconventional and totally disturbing events are my sort of thing (never been sure why), but more so I admire the craft of the film, the way the plot ends with both the boyfriends going to jail and the woman being beaten to a pulp, yet the story ends with her happy as can be out in a meadow knowing she is about to bring life into the world (as she is pregnant). I was just too shocked to realise it actually (In a narrative sense) has a happy ending.

Two nights ago I saw "A Tale Of Two Sisters" :ill:. A fantastic Korean Horror movie. Alot of people might say it's quite unoriginal (as far as the Oriental horror goes), as it does have the long black haired ghosts... but I fucking love it. I actually wanted to turn it off at times cos it was too intense. My girlfriend was whimpering. I actually found it scarier than Ju On, probably because it preys on build ups and stuff, not just disturbing imagery. If anyone else gets chance to see this movie, see it and then please tell me what you thought.
i'm more with northern viking than with kc about irréversible. i'm starting to have it up to here of potentially ok movies that are spoiled by inordinate amounts of overly explicit sexual violence. i think i know all there is to know about these things, and i find directors who insist on them (without a specific t/preaching intent) to be just morbid. realism my ass.
Exactly.. I mean, the violence is done to an extent where it's just pointless and merely voyeuristic, it doenst add anything to the story or atmosphere, it's totally overdone and repulsive
Northern Viking said:
Exactly.. I mean, the violence is done to an extent where it's just pointless and merely voyeuristic, it doenst add anything to the story or atmosphere, it's totally overdone and repulsive

It adds everything to the effect of the film though. a repulsion. I went from confused to repulsed, and remained repulsed till the end, even though the second half is totally mellow.
I conversed with a film scholar and his general opinion was that although it was excessive violence, that's what rape is. Nobody is going to enjoy watching the scene, and the director didn't intend people to get off on it (therefore I dont think you can call him morbid). It is very effective as a scene, probably the most effective scene Ive ever witnessed in a film and I admire the craft, like I said, and I know I was supposed to be discusted and offended by the scene.
rape is disgusting, and so is - say - vomit. but not many directors feel it's necessary to powerfully convey all of vomit's potential unless there really is an important plotline focusing on somebody being sick. that's why i sometimes find it excessive to enhance the shock factor on rape and sexual violence in general (unless, like i said, you mean to educate people against it, which is something that i admit wouldn't really apply to vomit): the public tends to know how horrible it can be, and in many cases hinting at it or at least not spending fifteen minutes forcing me to hear the victim scream and the perp calling her names would be sufficient for the task at hand. irréversible focuses on the rape as the turning point of the story, and that's nice and dandy. but it's so stressed, so all over the place, that i just end up disgusted at the movie for wanting to induce such a cheap shock effect in the viewers.
come on, i'm sure so many directors feel self-important and tr00 because they went through a whole rape scene unflinching. it's like saying: see? see? i'm not afraid to show you reality as brutal as it can be.
rahvin said:
come on, i'm sure so many directors feel self-important and tr00 because they went through a whole rape scene unflinching. it's like saying: see? see? i'm not afraid to show you reality as brutal as it can be.

I really dont believe this was his agenda. However, your response to the film is one I understand absolutely, because it was mine for 6 months. My brother loved it straight away, and so did this other crazy pretentious art-house guy. A similar film which shows prolonged scenes of pain is one called 'the Ordeal'. Its a better film though IMO, it has adark humour to it in areas. Its baisically a more artistic french version of the Texas Chainsaw Masacre. If you get chance to see it, I'd love to hear feedback.
King Chaos said:
Unconventional and totally disturbing events are my sort of thing (never been sure why) [....] My brother loved it straight away, and so did this other crazy pretentious art-house guy.
I think you're all sick son-of-a-bitch-es.
last night i finally watched the great rock'n'roll swindle as an adult and with subtitles. i'd seen it when i was 13 and of course i was only able to enjoy the live music parts, since the cockney accents are impossible to understand even now for me. but now i really was able to enjoy the experience. any punk fan, even the casual, not-so-involved ones should watch this movie. malcom mclaren is the epitome of so many things i like. and there's a dwarf. :p
Watching the movie Swordfish right now, noticed an interesting thing.

There is a finnish hacker by the name of Axel Torvalds in the begining, the thing no
one picked up on, in IMDb, is that anyone coming from Finland with the last name
of Torvalds is actually related to Linus Torvalds as the name is kinda invented.

Yes, useless facts man, that is me :D
I saw Fear and Loathing in las Vegas. This is one fucked up movie. Im used by now to weird odd movies but this one is one of the most odd movies ive seen, in a good way of course.

I also saw the cook, the thief, his wife and her lover. This movie was so nicely done, very odd too and very shocking, it sticks with you for a long time after you finish seeing it.