
Violet Baudelaire said:
will do, thanks! the under-bed-covers scene was horrible! it made me want to turn on the lights heh but i was brave
I agree, that was the freakiest bit for me too... and the eyes on the CCTV. Now If I have nightmares (which I do from time to time) I cant hide under the duvet for fear of Scary Oriental Dead women with long black hair. It leaves the audience totally Defenseless. It really is a great movie. Ju On 2's finale just nearly killed me!
ok, just watched Ju On 2, and I must say I found the first one MUCH scarier. perhaps I had too high expectations... but still, I think the second one just used the same old tricks in a not-so-scary way. the whole point of the first one is it was so shocking in-your-face, relentless, no time to even prepare yourself. EVERY scene was brilliant.

this one is good but still, nothing on the first one.

I forced my roommate to watch one of the unscary parts and she got traumatized and said she wouldn't watch anything more, so, still scary :D

of course maybe it has something to do with the subtitles, i mean, is it really necessary to translate "GWAAAAAAAAARGH"? no.
well as your talking about asian movies did someone knows itchi the killer?
I just heard crazy things about it but its hard to find it here.

I just bought gaspar noe`s seul contre tous(a french movie) which is really hard and gets deep into the mind.some kind of psychological social drama, half of the movie are the thoughts of the protagonist whee he blames his fucked up life on all other people in the world and he searches a way to find out what is his life more than his hate.strange story
the first one I know where there comes suddenly a screen with a countdown and a warning to the audience that they have 30seconds to abort the movie.

but good to read that alexander is crap
solefald said:
well as your talking about asian movies did someone knows itchi the killer?
I just heard crazy things about it but its hard to find it here.

The pic in my sig is from that movie, and all the crazy things you've heard are probably true. Its extremely violent and a really kickass movie. Don't take it too seriously though.
Ah, excellent to see Talented Mr. Piece Of Crap get the recognition it deserves.
I had a friend who thought it was the best movie ever, but then again, he was
trying to be somekind of a writer and failing miserably ;)
Pretentious art crap.
@mags, kc: i'm a huge fan of Devil's Advocate. First of all, it's the movie that got me into Al Pacino: his character is amazing, the acting is incredible, and i really, really want to marry him :grin: the sense of power and elation when he's at the table with his friends and the girl is all too happy to slip under the table... really one of the scenes that give me the instant butterflies. i loved the speeches about keeping a low profile. i loved the intensity. i loved the room where the final scene is set. i hated reeves' character, and i also don't like him in general, but that was the whole idea: creating a counterpoint. yummy movie. i've seen it thrice even if it's not some big conceptual flick that requires multiple views.
I watched Ichi the Killer yesterday, and it was very very weird. Maybe it was the fact that the subtitles were in finnish and I didn't get much of the original japanese, though on the other hand I was told the subtitles didn't help that much. Errr...
i liked the devils advocate and would have to recommend reading the book. i read it a long time ago but if i remember correctly you should read the book a few things are different and added and it just makes it even wierder.
Last weekend just watched The Crow and The Lost Boys (again!). <3 Love 'em.

Soon I'm going to see Bridget Jones - The Edge of Reason. Probably not the best film ever but something to relax and laught at with.
I saw "Bad Santa" yesterday. I give it 4 out of 5 points. I think Billy Bob Thornton was very well suited to play the depraved mall-Santa.

Another very amusing thing was that right behind me in the cinema were a trio of fourteen y/o girls who said out loud: "aaww, he's sooo cute" about some skinny skaterboy (who would have been bullied for his haircut already for five years ago) who was meant to be a pathetic character. :lol:
I'm going to see "The Incredibles" tomorrow. Not exactly a movie of my choice but I got two free tickets, since I'm best customer number 33 at my local comic/RPG store whose owner (also a friend of mine) gives out free tickets to his 50 best customers.
Ive just watched "Dogville", a very good film tbh. The ending is kinda contradictory though and I was wondering if maybe the director just wanted to present a big pile of chaos, that no one would (and possibly could) understand, so in the end everyone would say "Woah, I dont get it, man must it be deep!".. but the other 175 minutes were awesome :)

/E Im not sure if I mentioned it before but I watched "Dead Man's Letters" like a month ago, a russian film from 87. One of the best and scariest films Ive ever seen.. definitely in my top5