
Yesterday i watched Daredevil. It was ok, but i wouldn't say it was anything special. I really liked Colin Farrell as Bullseye though (the acting, not the character :p), so i proceeded to re-watch Recruit and SWAT. It's obvious that for some reason i really like this guy. :grin:
Daredevil is possibly the worst movie from a long list of failed "comic to movie" attempts...and I wasted a free ticket for it. D'oh.
I should really watch Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind again. Possibly listen to the soundtrack that I downloaded as well.
Solution to uncertainty when it comes to movies: Download, and buy the DVD if you liked it enough.
I really need to start buying movies...but that's only for when I get a job.
Håhå, what a joke. You're telling me that typing a couple lines and clicking the mouse a few times takes more time and effort than lifting my ass from the computer chair, going outside, thinking of a ride downtown, and then if I find one, paying to rent the movie?
Downloading a movie certainly isn't more expensive than renting one, but yes, buying a DVD is. Why would I want to pay any money at all for a movie that I don't want to watch more than once?
My brother works at blockbusters so we rent for free. Anyway downloading movies is pretty much bullshit. My mates do it, but they seem to only ever get what they want once every 5 downloads. Sometimes because of incorrect file names, other times the film isn't complete within the file. Alot of the times its a mega crappy pirate copy aswell. At least if you go to the video store you -
A: Get some fresh air and excercise.
B: Always get what you want (Unless it's not in, then it's free next time and you can just get another great movie from the many on selection).
and C: It's not illegal.
Fresh air and excercise. Well, I'd say that doing sports is a bit better for that. You get what you want on filesharing programs as well if you just know what you're doing. Incorrect filenames are a bother though, even though I haven't stumbled onto such a case so far. Illegality will concern me right about when the cops are knocking on my door.
Unfortunately I can't take a very high stand since I don't buy any of the movies that I download least I'm confident that I'll buy them eventually, but whatever.
Well, i know noone will give a shit about this, but this seemed to be the most appropriate thread for this:
When i saw the pic, the first thing that came to my mind was "don't those two ladies' faces have similar angles.. hell, they kinda look like each other.."
Just thought it was an interesting thing, seeing as, in the movie, Roxane (on the right) is supposed to remind Alexander of his mother Olympias (Ang. Jolie).
King Chaos said:
My brother works at blockbusters so we rent for free. Anyway downloading movies is pretty much bullshit. My mates do it, but they seem to only ever get what they want once every 5 downloads. Sometimes because of incorrect file names, other times the film isn't complete within the file. Alot of the times its a mega crappy pirate copy aswell. At least if you go to the video store you -
A: Get some fresh air and excercise.
B: Always get what you want (Unless it's not in, then it's free next time and you can just get another great movie from the many on selection).
and C: It's not illegal.

They're morons, ive downloaded the wrong movie maybe 1 time out of 60. Thats what ratings, comments and file previews (in the case of edonkey2000 ) are for.
Siren said:
Yesterday i watched Daredevil. It was ok, but i wouldn't say it was anything special. I really liked Colin Farrell as Bullseye though (the acting, not the character :p), so i proceeded to re-watch Recruit and SWAT. It's obvious that for some reason i really like this guy. :grin:
how can you manage to even look at farrell in "the recruit" is completely beyond me. so much more eye candy elsewhere :lol:
hyena said:
how can you manage to even look at farrell in "the recruit" is completely beyond me. so much more eye candy elsewhere :lol:
the raw sexual energy he filled my screen with in the only love scene of the film, is the answer to your question. ;)
@4thhorseman: Depends of the speed of the connection. with 0.5 mb that i have, it takes a night to d/l a movie, even with maxium speed. how fast is your connection btw and how expensive it is?
I recently saw Saw and, despite some rather noticeable plot-holes (even for me, someone who doesn't often notice such things until they're pointed out), it was thoroughly enjoyable and well worth watching. After the film finished, I realised my hands were sweating and my legs were aching from being tensed up for quite a while. Nice.
Rusty said:
I recently saw Saw and, despite some rather noticeable plot-holes (even for me, someone who doesn't often notice such things until they're pointed out), it was thoroughly enjoyable and well worth watching. After the film finished, I realised my hands were sweating and my legs were aching from being tensed up for quite a while. Nice.

oh yeah saw... I downloaded it a month ago because it starts in germany in8 weeks and I didnt wanted to wait until this date
First I discovered the website, a really cool one :OMG: and I absolutely wanted to see this movie...
after seeing it, well a lot of ideas are from 7even, but who cares??
its a cool movie with an very evil ending(like 7even)
its one of these movies where you dont know how it ends until the credits scrolls up. these movies are really the best
I watched Oldboy yesterday, a cool korean movie with an absurd and wicked story, and a man who fights against dozens with an hammer
Naku ist krig said:
@4thhorseman: Depends of the speed of the connection. with 0.5 mb that i have, it takes a night to d/l a movie, even with maxium speed. how fast is your connection btw and how expensive it is?
Cable, most likely 512kpbs down, just like yours. I can't remember the numbers though, but you get the picture. Costs around 50? a month, which the parents pay. Anyway, I mentioned in a part of my earlier post, a part that I scrapped because of another point I said wrong in it, that I was assuming that our Internet connections are being paid for both of us (that is, idari and me, but now here's you as well). Again, I said that renting movies may be cheaper, but I also find it pretty useless.
Also, in just about every person's case downloading movies isn't the most important reason for having the Internet, so you can't exactly just say that if 50? is more than what a non-movie-downloading person spends on buying DVDs or renting movies, then downloading movies is more expensive.
Oops, I missed that post by solefald. Unfortunately I haven't seen Seven, but I do agree that the ending is very good. Well worth it, go and see it Gav. :p
Rusty said:
Oops, I missed that post by solefald. Unfortunately I haven't seen Seven, but I do agree that the ending is very good. Well worth it, go and see it Gav. :p
Will do :). I like my films disturbing, and by all accounts this flick is intense, so I'll make time for it.

I watched Ringu again yesterday... My parents were there, they were shittin' 'emselves (As we say here in the UK). Propa disturbing for them... I didn't find it scary the second time around, although Dark Water was much scarier and psychological the second time around. Bloody great director.