
@rahv: the recruit was good, but it was entirely pacino's doing. the fact that farrell's character was actually quite stupid helped: at least the acting was realistic.
Top 10 movies (in some order):
1. Equilibrium (2002)
2. Donnie Darko (2001)
3. The Butterfly Effect (2004)
4. Stargate (1994)
5. The Boondock Saints (1999)
6. Lord Of The Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
7. Collateral (2004)
8. Monty Python's Life Of Brian (1979)
9. Cube Trilogy (1997-2004)
10. Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993)
Yeah. The "favorite movies" thread is here

This is more along the lines of "last movie you watched". But don't take me too seriously, I was joking. :p
I watched Lost In Translation last night and boy oh boy was that a good movie. One of those that every time you think about you get this wierd feeling. The only other film that's done that to me was Spirited away and Central Station. I cant remember her name, but the female lead looked just like my girlfriend... the likeness is creepy as fuck.
King Chaos said:
One of those that every time you think about you get this wierd feeling.
I thought I was the only one. :p

I've just watched One Point O, after having had it sit on my computer for months. :guh: doesn't quite sum it up, but it's as close as I can manage. Very good film, with a great atmosphere and feeling about it. I can't help wishing it was longer, it seemed a little short at just 90-odd minutes.
idari said:
I saw The Grudge a while ago and it sucks major gay ass.

A week ago i watched The Butterfly Effect again and it's still great.
The Grudge as in with Buffy as the lead? not Ju On surely?

I haven't seen butterfly effect yet but it looks to me like crud. I dont like Ashton Kucher (sp?) at all. I cant believe he could be in an actually good film. He's an annoying man.
He could be on a good film and ruin it with a subpar performance being the stupid hollywood pretty boy he is: For more examples of this see Martin Scorcerse and Dicaprio.

In any case the last film i saw was Le charme Discret de la Bourgeoisie by Mr. Luis Buñuel: A true masterpiece in its incredible complexity and very subtle approach to surrealism, quite a discret charm.

Im rewatching twin peaks: fire walk with me in a few moments after i just completed rewatching the entire twin peaks series. I still cant believe something like that ever made it to the television, not your typical soap opera affair.
i watched closer last night. realistic and well-written. the 98 minutes passed in a blur. doesn't enter my list of favorites because it's way too harsh and not in the way i enjoy, but good nonetheless. my former philosophy teacher recommends good movies: now that's a thing to remember.
King Chaos said:
I haven't seen butterfly effect yet but it looks to me like crud. I dont like Ashton Kucher (sp?) at all. I cant believe he could be in an actually good film. He's an annoying man.
It's actually quite good, or at least the director's cut is. Mind you, I had no idea who the hell Ashton Kutcher was before I watched it, and I didn't think he was too bad (though no doubt someone better could've played that part). Still, it's enjoyable.
just watched The Punisher (the newer from 2004). nice movie, but from 1:15h to 1:45h or so it's just ridiculous. also that thing on the parking place at the end with that punisher sign is just fucking ridiculous. but it's a good movie though.
I just watched "Dancer in the Dark"
A great film, but like every von Trier film very much :hypno: Also, Im getting more bubu with every minute that passes.. I should go to sleep :zzz: