
That's true, I forgot to add that :p

Btw, has anyone here watched the Red Dwarf series? Yes, it's not a movie, but it deserves to be mentioned :p
Anyway, it's probably the second-best series ever, after scrubs :)

Rimmer: I used to be with the Samaritans.
Lister: I know. For one morning.
Rimmer: Well I couldn't take any more.
Lister: I don't blame you. You spoke to five people and they all committed suicide. I wouldn't mind but one was a wrong number. He only phoned up for the cricket scores.
Rimmer: It's hardly my fault everyone chose that particular day to throw themselves off buildings. It made the papers you know—"Lemming Sunday," they called it.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I watched Blade Trinity this weekend

I loved the first 2 blade movies but this one was hm not so good as the great second one. story wasnt very well designed, blade fights against dracula, hey who came up with this boring idea. a second daywalker with an evil mind would be more interesting
than this iraqui lookalike.
a lot of apple iPod and other applestuff was used...nice commercials
the best thing were some good fights with cool music, jessica biel as abigail and the vampire-dogs
anyway, if you like blade watch it but its not so good as expected
Product placement is getting out of hand in these kinds of films.

Last night I watched The Yes Men, and it's absolutely hilarious. Everyone should watch this.
I just watched Saw. Id give it a 6,5/10
The idea has been there before, it's not exceptionally done, but good entertainment and some cool twists in the story, so it's quite enjoyable :)
King Chaos said:
The Grudge as in with Buffy as the lead? not Ju On surely?

I haven't seen butterfly effect yet but it looks to me like crud. I dont like Ashton Kucher (sp?) at all. I cant believe he could be in an actually good film. He's an annoying man.
Yeah, and Buffy annoys me.

Hmm, i'm quite sure you'd at least think that the butterfly effect is ok, but you might not like it as much as i do. Just watch it :p
I do want to actually. I dont want to let his presence put me off... but it is doing.

I saw Boogie Nights yesterday. 8========D
Fookin great movie. The first hour just repulsed me. In the good way though. Just the way P.T.Anderson dealt with the morallity of the guys in the porn industry. The last half of the film was fantastic. It went from chirpy and camp to sinister and really fucking high in about 5 minutes. It was such a turn around. Dirk Diggler... best name ever. I wonder if Mark Wahlberg (sp?) really is hung like a walrus.

I bought 2 Lynchian movies in the sale... I might watch Blue Velvet tonight, although its late and I'm not really in the mood for any cerebral-boring.
Blue Velvet is not cerebral-boring at all, is quite straightfoward story with kinda odd characters.

Unless of course you start thinking about why the characters are odd but you dont have to
I saw "The Fockers" tonight. god.
same formulas and pretty much same story as the first one. it made me smile a couple of times. but everything is bearable with friends
Persona by Ingmar Bergman. Amazing, its just one of the best movies ive seen ever, perfect blend between surrealism and touching story. You swedish fucks have once again proven to be masters of the arts, not only music but cinematography too
Yeah spiderman 2 was highly entertaining.

I saw 'The Andalucian Dog' yesterday. :ill: I cant believe something that sick was made in the 1920's. I also didnt know it was a piece form the mind of Salvador Dali. My brain hurt trying to work out what it all meant. I think it was just them trying to strike out at the middle class or something by scaring the shite out of them. The bit where the guy's dragging the 2 pianos with the dead cows on was really terrifying, just in so far as its unimaginable imagery. I was asking myself how someone could conjour such disturbing events. It's truly amazing to witness such a surrealist imagination spilled on to screen in this way.

It pissed me off that no one in my film studies class liked it at all. People actually hated it. I was the only person who enjoyed it. I found it exciting, shocking and enthralling.
I watched A Man Apart last night, with Vin Diesel (no, i didn't watch it with Vin Diesel). Actually it sucked crappy balls, it was one huge big cliche made up of smaller ones, and Vin's voice sucks (sometimes it's like hearing a dawg bark). The end scene was so simple and idiotic that managed to confuse me big time (this is what happens when you get to think there might be something even slightly complicated about a plot like this). In the final closeup of Vin's face, he looks just like he was about to burst into laughter, but the director was too tired of this movie and wanted to get done and over with, so he didn't even have the courage to shoot it another time. There was one kinda nicey song by Godsmack in the movie that came as a surprise inbetween all that (c)rap.
This said, i enjoyed the movie. :)