
today spike lee's latest she hate me (mistake intended) was out in italy and i rushed to watch it. aside from the fact that it's about 2am, i've been out all night and i'm not feeling sick (HUGE ACHIEVEMENT), the movie was good. i'm a big lee fan so i wouldn't say anything else anyway - compared to his usual style there's a couple of new facts.

the movie has a happy ending, which is totally weird by his standards.
moreover, it's grotesque in the sense of the john wayne scenes from fahreneit 9/11.

anywhoo it's good and fun. go watch.
the movie for tonight was taxi driver. i enjoyed it, as predicted, especially because i could relate to travis bickle's character (and had the rancid song in my head all the time. now the character behind one of my favorite tunes has a face). a couple of non-relevant facts:

- the young jodie foster in the role of an underage prostitute looks exactly like heather love minus some twenty kilos. probably that's how she looked as a teen.

- no matter how good the acting (and it was good), i can't really get into de niro. i'm never going to find him attractive, eventhough i generally like his roles.

and speaking of de niro, i also watched the goodfellas DVD but i'm not recommending it at all. in my opinion, the movie was devoid of any real points of interest, too long, and anyway i cannot bear to see the face of ray liotta (probably influenced by his character in hannibal, but aside from this the guy has a meager range of four facial expressions and all of them are dumb).
@ hyena as a fan of DeNiro was wondering if You ever watched Cape Fear?
I don't know why but I think it was missed/overlook when it first came out?
As for Spike the only movie of his that I've watched more than 1x was 25th Hour.

The movie I really want to see is The Machinist w/Christian Bale
It's his first movie in over 2 years - I guess when you need to lose over 1/3 of your body weight for a film it takes time. Plus I identify with people that don't sleep.
Ive watched Dog Soldiers and Butterfly Effect last weekend.
Dog Soldiers is cool imo, a good action film, good entertainment but that's it.
Butterfly Effect was really good, I really liked the concept, but also, it's very very depressing. Im quite optimistic by nature so it's kind of the opposite of what I believe. I like to believe that whatever I do, things will be fine.. still, a very cool film :)
I'll watch Trainspotting and Before Sunset soon :)
trainspotting is teh coolest.

@la rocque: yeah i've seen cape fear, but i was abysmally young so i don't really recall the whole of it. i remember telling my father right after the movie ended that i thought there wasn't enough violence. he thought i was completely mad. i meant to say that in that specific moment of my life i preferred splattery films, but it got lost in translation between teen-speak and the language normally used by adults.

i'm undecided about tonight's movie. maybe heat or collateral, but i wouldn't mind something a bit more political. any suggestion of good political movies?
I saw Gozu tonight...
... :ill: ... Pretty much what I expected. It had moments of hilarity and some stuff thats just too sereal for words. Definately Miike's most Ambiguous movie. I couldnt sum up what happened really, and I couldnt tell you what it all meant, but I enjoyed the confusing and testing ride the flick took me on. Thumbs up.
The flm festival is in town tonight and there is this ultra hardcore horror night tonight. I got my tickets and Im going. it starts at mid night and ends at 8AM... all nighter it be. The movies are "the grudge" (Remake) "Ju On 2", "Ordeal" and "Tears of Kali". Its gonna rule for sure. I cant wait. Ill report on it tomorrow when Ive seen the movies.
bah, it sucks :p

just watched shrek 2 again today. i want to see The Village though I've heard mixed reviews.
I saw 'the grudge'. It was on a par withthe original. The story has been Ironed out a bit and its a bit shorter, but all the best scares still remain and a couple of excellent extra ones have managed to creep in to the mix aswell. Its without a doubt the scariest hollywood Movie Ive seen, and probably one of the scariest hollywood movies ever. Incredible dark, Brutal and unrelenting.

I also saw "Ordeal" :ill:. This movie starts out and is really boring for the first half hour. Nothing happens and I was thinking why is this on a halloween horror night? Of course then it turns into a french version of the Texas Chainsaw massacre, only much more disturbing and with some hints of "the league of gentlemen" in it aswell. Crucifixtions, Anal Sodomy, Beastiality all make this movie one of the most uncomfortable watches Ive ever had. The final 20 minutes is some of the wildest footage I think I have ever seen. I couldnt look at the screen because of the camera movements and such milarky. Bloody mad stuff.

Ju On 2 was next on the card. Its definately my favourite of the Ju On movies, yet it is just repeating old tricks. You learn to totally expect what's coming... but still it had a much better story than the first and a really really great ending.

Final film of the night was "tears of Kali". Im shocked someone made a movie about this sort of thing. It really is unlike anything else you will ever see. Has some brutal moments and some beautiful moments, shame I struggled to keep up as it started at 5 AM and I hadnt had a wink of sleep for coming up on 20 hours. Still, it was a great movie.
@King Chaos: Well boohoo, you just saw the movies I supposed to see last weekend, but I ran out of money :p except it would have been the Japanese Grudge's I would have been seeing. Anything with Sarah Michelle Gellar can't be worth watching :P And now I'm even more eager to see Tears of Kali. Grr.

Instead of those, I watched Zoolander.....and I really need to see it again...when I'm sober. :p
My Sassy Girl.


Unconventional Korean romcom. Boy meets girl, girl gets puke all over guy. She treats him in the worst way but there's a reason for it, which you don't discover till the end. The leads have great chemistry, and both are perfect for their roles. I'm adding this to my list of fav films :D
~Zeanra~ said:
@King Chaos: Well boohoo, you just saw the movies I supposed to see last weekend, but I ran out of money :p except it would have been the Japanese Grudge's I would have been seeing. Anything with Sarah Michelle Gellar can't be worth watching :P And now I'm even more eager to see Tears of Kali. Grr.

Instead of those, I watched Zoolander.....and I really need to see it again...when I'm sober. :p

You've got to bare in mind its a movie where Sarah Michelle Gelar is tortured by Truly evil Spirits.
I dont like her either... but I love Takashi Shimizu (same director as original), and he did a freakin fantastic Make over of the first. Still I dont think the hollywood version is better, but I am pleased its not hollywierded out. the fact that they're American actors in it aint really a bad thing because it plays on the fact that some of them are really isolated in the orient, as they dont understand the language or anything. That Issolation is a new element that really does work. The Guy that played the husband dude that got tortured in 'Audition' plays the Cop... gotta love the guy.

Zeanra, was it you who watched Gozu without Subtitles a couple of weeks back? I saw it the other day and thought, seeing this without subtitles then finding out what they're actually saying afterwards would be such a laugh. You are in for a mega tonne treat if you check it out again with Subys. also Im going to see Izo on thursday (Miikes new movie) :grin:... Can't wait!!!
King Chaos said:
You've got to bare in mind its a movie where Sarah Michelle Gelar is tortured by Truly evil Spirits.
Haha :p Meh, I just saw a little teaser of the movie somewhere, and it looked pretty doodoo. Well I suppose I might go see it after all, if I get a chance.

Zeanra, was it you who watched Gozu without Subtitles a couple of weeks back? I saw it the other day and thought, seeing this without subtitles then finding out what they're actually saying afterwards would be such a laugh. You are in for a mega tonne treat if you check it out again with Subys. also Im going to see Izo on thursday (Miikes new movie) :grin:... Can't wait!!!
Oh man...thanks a lot, now where am I gonna find this film with subtitles?? :erk: :Smug: Subtitles or not, the dog scene in the beginning is the best scene ever :tickled:
~Zeanra~ said:
Oh man...thanks a lot, now where am I gonna find this film with subtitles?? :erk: :Smug: Subtitles or not, the dog scene in the beginning is the best scene ever :tickled:

I agree. I just could not stop laughing at that. and of course the following scene with "the Yakuza car" just rocked. It wasnt his best movie at all, but it was really very entertaining.
I saw IZO tonight... OMfG!!!111!!!!!!oneone!!!1

It is such an awesome movie. Not much makes sense but its beautifully shot and has some incredible sequences. The violence is more comic book style violence in the vein of Ichi the Killer, and less distrubing like in Visitor Q or Audition. I have to say it was probably my favourite Miike movie. I gave it ***** and I still stand by it. It was much much better than I expected. I think the movies key theme was Pro Nihilism but it also had loads of anti religion stuff and it played some satyric on the courts. Watching the film was like goin on a crazy rollercoaster ride that just never stop spinning... It is honestly just action scene after action scene with no Breaks at all. My favourite part was when the School kids are answering questions about Love, Democracy and the concept of a country. The kids give such fucked up answers, Meanwhile Izo is hacking hords of screaming women to pieces in the corridor. Masterpiece!