
Ringu sounds far too much like Pingu for me to take it seriously. I'd be forever expecting the little girl to flap her arms and make unintelligible noises.
or about monster :bah:

anyways, this is like the 10th time Ring is mentioned, it should just have its own thread
King Chaos said:

Ok I can see why you said it :p, Didnt it freak you out just a teency weency little bit??? :confused:
Which one are you talking about? There are 3 of them apparently. Ring 0, Ring 2 and Ring 3, but i don't know which one's supposed to be "Ringu". Ring 0 was the one with the story of what happened before the girl was thrown into the well 30 years ago, and that's the one i saw. It didn't freak me out at all, it made me really tired instead :p
Ring 2 is the other version of the american Ring apparently, and god knows what Ring 3 is. I'll probably watch them later.
The American version of The Ring wasn't that good, not enough scary - all things that happened were predictable. Nice special f/x though.

Hmm lately I've seen Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, for the tenth time I suppose. Johnny Depp and Benicio del Toro are such maniacs in it. You have to be wasted yourself too if you want to enjoy it properly. :loco:
And just saw Kids a week ago. Kids is always somehow very moving and disturbing.
i have no idea what this ring/ringu business is, i'll have to check out some information on the internet.

my movie for last night was in the cut. don't watch it, it's lousy. it wants to emulate the parallel plots of summer of sam but it ends up doing nothing of the sorts - nice atmosphere at some points, but i see that i'm just hurting myself by procrastinating the day i finally watch finding nemo.

@lolita: kids was one of my favorite movies when i first watched it, then i watched it again some five years later and didn't really do the trick anymore (i suppose it was because i wasn't a teenager any longer so i didn't identify with the characters as i did the first time). have you seen ken park? i'm a larry clark fan but couldn't really see the point of his latest effort. it's got no real point, although it's mildly enjoyable.
with due respect for those who liked them, i found all the horror movies mentioned in the past few pages (both japanese/korean and american versions) to be steaming piles of dung. there is neither plot nor acting, and the scares are all completely identical, and boring if not outright ridiculous.
@idari: provided you find them dubbed in english or with subtitles, you should try out italian horror movies. they're not as candy-coated as their american counterpart (thus giving an impression of normal, everyday character and themes), and not as imbued with copycat culture as the ones from the far east (in italy, young girls don't really go to school dressed as if they were about to enter a porn set for a school uniform fetish, for instance).

@hyena: i think ken park was a poor excuse for pornography. haven't seen kids yet.
@rahvin: yeah, i concur. i'm not being very lucky with movies lately - after the mind-blowing experience of dogville and the long-awaited harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban, i haven't found anything that excited me. i enjoyed some gangster movies, and some italian flicks that came out this year were not bad, but there's nothing worth remembering.

uh, and ralph fiennes is playing voldemort in harry potter and the goblet of fire. i'm waiting for a performance at least as intense as the one in red dragon. :hotjump:
hyena said:
@rahvin: yeah, i concur. i'm not being very lucky with movies lately - after the mind-blowing experience of dogville and the long-awaited harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban, i haven't found anything that excited me.
come on, you weren't excited during poa... knee-deep in popcorn, yes. excited, no way. i've seen a shitload of movies of late, but iirc they were all awful as i suspected they would be. actually i mildly enjoyed passion of the christ, but that's all.
really? ohhhh i love him! he's perfect as voldemort! it can't be, they usually have some sort of monkey casting the characters, its not possible they actually made the right choice for once!

and i love horror movies, the cheaper and stupider the better, for laughs.
i didn't say i was excited, i said i had been awaiting the movie. :p and yes, passion was good (and luther was total shit).

i think that the italian movie la meglio gioventu' is not bad, although i've only seen the first half so far. i'm not sure you'd enjoy it, but i'd give it a crack.

tonight i'm planning to watch citizen kane (yes, i know, it's ridiculous that i've never seen it, so there). i will report.
Violet Baudelaire said:
and i love horror movies, the cheaper and stupider the better, for laughs.
oh, for laughs of course i agree, that's why i still try and watch all those that come out. to be honest, though, the japanese production is not even interesting for the unwanted comedic value... although in "phone" it's pretty funny watching the actors' faces whenever a cell rings -- i can imagine the director giving precious advice such as "now try to look as if you had just swallowed a beetle".

@hyena: i've seen that first part as well, and not the rest. now i'm inclined to believe the second part doesn't exist.
hyena said:
@lolita: kids was one of my favorite movies when i first watched it, then i watched it again some five years later and didn't really do the trick anymore (i suppose it was because i wasn't a teenager any longer so i didn't identify with the characters as i did the first time). have you seen ken park? i'm a larry clark fan but couldn't really see the point of his latest effort. it's got no real point, although it's mildly enjoyable.
Kids was shocking the first time I saw it about 7 years ago, it was also moving then and still is. I wasn't a teen when I saw it the first time but still I remember the good old days when we were kids. However we never were so wasted (we = me and my friends) or high or had such sexual relationships those days, oh dear, we were innocent then.

I saw Ken Park when it first came to the movie theatres here and it was a slight disappointment imo. I do see the point there why Larry Clark probably made the movie but those sex scenes were too much emphasized. However I didn't feel like puking or wasn't disgusted because of it but again it made me think things twice which is good.
@loli: i'm interested in what ken park made you think about. can you please expound?
i wasn't disgusted either, but i thought that having teenage actors playing real sex scenes was at least objectionable (normally sex is only simulated in non-porn films, even if the actors are of age). actors are people, and i think that having sex on camera for the world to see is bound to have an emotional impact, especially when you're young. there was a big debate when the film came out about the fact that larry clark somehow pulled off an entirely illegal stunt - he managed to hit theatres with scenes that would have not been allowed in a porn film on counts of depicting minors in the act of sex.
rahvin said:
italy, young girls don't really go to school dressed as if they were about to enter a porn set for a school uniform fetish, for instance.
Oh............. :erk:

idari said:
Which one are you talking about? There are 3 of them apparently. Ring 0, Ring 2 and Ring 3, but i don't know which one's supposed to be "Ringu"
It's 0, 1, and 2..... and "Ringu" is Ring 1. The Ring (America) is the remake of Ringu.