
Sep 2, 2007

Sorry for such a way of trying to get in touch with you by making a single thread for this, but your profile, it says I cannot send messages to you.

My band is going to start writing more material for our new album in August. It is going to be a concept album and not entire Black Metal, Folk, Doom, etc... just Metal with quite a few genres involved with it. Of what we speak of it, it is planned to sound really great.

We were thinking if you can do guest vocals in at least one track, if not more. And if possible you can do this, how much would you be asking? There would be no traveling required, unless you wish to do on yourself.
We have quite a few things set up for this record. We have a top of the line quality studio set up and with session member Adrian Erlandsson doing drums and maybe a few of the members of Marduk being involved somehow.
So, we are very serious of this and plan for it to be really great.
We would love for you to be a part of this in someway or another by doing guest vocals in atleast one or more tracks. All of us are big fans, especially myself.

I know, posting this so everybody can read may seem a bit silly, but to be quite honest I cannot get ahold of you any other way. And this is something that we feel very strongly about. So, why not, right?

Hope to hear from you...,

By the way...
Your dedication album is comming along perfectly.
Yes, the line-up is great. The album has absolutely nothing wrote for it yet, nothing. However, we're just getting dressed to get ourselves dirty, or so to speak.
I am tight with Adrian and since he left COF, he's had more time to do more. And our vocalist is tight with the guys of Marduk, so he is trying to get them for something on the record.
Having Mr. V on the record would make my life - I wouln't care if the album had none of the others on it and was low-quality - I just have always wanted to work with him. Plus, I feel his vocals, his style of singing would do the album well.
Also, one of my friends lives not far from Grutle Kjellsen from Enslaved. It would be nice to get him on the deal as well. Haha.

Come to think of it...
This album better be fucking great, for all that we are putting into it, it better go down in metal history. Haha.
I know the guys from Orphaned Land and Distorted from israel personally ...i also met Sven de Caluwe from Aborted once when he performed in whorecore...anyways if you're interested in any members of israeli metal bands i can try to talk to them.
Maybe. I can talk to the guys and see what they say.
Right now, I'm currently staying in USA. I am living 15 minutes from the bands Incantation and Funerus. But, I ahve never talked to them and really cannot figure out how we could possibly use them if I did know or talk to them.
But yeah... I can get back to you. Ask them how much they would be asking, too!
I almost live next door to Mårten Hagström from Meshuggah,i have said hello a couple of times but cant say i know him unfortunately.
I licked a piece of sidewalk where ICS Vortex once set foot. All of you get on your knees and venerate me, unworthy mortals.

I talked with Steven Wilson a couple of times...and i appear in the thanks in the Edge of Sanity collection (when all is said)... who wants to fucking touch me?

next goal...french kiss Mr.V
i hope my gf won't mind
I talked with Steven Wilson a couple of times...and i appear in the thanks in the Edge of Sanity collection (when all is said)... who wants to fucking touch me?

next goal...french kiss Mr.V
i hope my gf won't mind

i like his music and all but....:puke:

actually, maybe if he still had that fabio hair...nah:ill:
my bum was touched twice by darren of sadus :lol: :oops:
oh yes, i danced with the guys of darkane and got lost in Florence with the guys of novembre, i was told by kenny of omen "honey you can have everything you want from me" and kissed from randy of annihilator :)Puke:), also met and talked with rivera of helstar in the bathroom, a friend of mine is a close friend of mika of impaled nazarene, i personally know all the guys of handful of hate and sometimes go out with them :lol:
i think that's all.....

i'm a lucky girl uhm :cool:

(these fucking smilies aren't enough expressive, damn )