Mr V. This is for you!


New Metal Member
Sep 29, 2005
:worship: Let me just say,

Mr. V, I live in Miami, Fl and I am a huge fan of all your work from Otyg to Fission. (I have all your Vintersorg albums!) :cool:

I was wondering if you'll ever put out an Official LIVE concert CD and/or DVD?

I would love to see you guys accually perform LIVE!

Also, I am only going to suggest :) , you guys do a fesival here in the U.S,

Especially in Miami :p Something Like OZZFEST? It would Deffenitly Broaden your fan base here in the states....

ANYONE else feel free to post U.S Festivals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:worship: Also Keep up the great work! :worship:
Vintersorg Rules :headbang:
VinterNagar said:
Something Like OZZFEST? It would Deffenitly Broaden your fan base here in the states....
:err: The hearts in the right place though, and I agree a festival would be nice. Nice but not practical.
George said:
:err: The hearts in the right place though, and I agree a festival would be nice. Nice but not practical.

ROFL - I agree with you.

I think the closest to a Vntersorg DVD we'll ever see is Borknagar's DVD, when it comes out...
FrostbittenGrimness said:
Even though I'm not in the states.. I'd vomit if I heard the news Vintersorg was doing Ozzfest. Do Powerprog,

I have to agree with this. As much as I would love to see Vintersorg live, it would be devestating to see him in an Ozzfest type of environment. I actually went to Ozzfest this year because I had never seen Iron Maiden before and couldn't believe I was seeing legends onstage while I was standing next to people wearing Godsmack shirts who had bewildered looks on their faces. I think they went on after Mudvayne, of all people, too. It was just disgusting and wrong. Then, Bruce Dickinson started yelling in the microphone about how corporations are wrong even though he was on a corporate tour. It was terrible. Although, Maiden was great live!
This is why i said " Post any Festivals that you might know of in the U.S" Just for that reason. I Didn't mean for him to do Ozzfest, but it's the only festival that i know of in my area.
VinterNagar said:
This is why i said " Post any Festivals that you might know of in the U.S" Just for that reason. I Didn't mean for him to do Ozzfest, but it's the only festival that i know of in my area.

A one off gig on the west coast with Steve playing bass. Now that would be a dream.
I think Vintersorg should play Progpower USA if They were to do an american fest ... especially since I consider Mr.V's music to be Progressive in the true sense of the word ... that and hell PPUSA is just a great party!! nonstop for 3 days straight :)