MUSE return in November

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
MUSE return in November

After gracing our shores for the Big Day Out festival and a string of side shows in January, Muse will return for a national arena tour in November. Tickets go on sale at 9:00am on Wednesday, August 16th.

November 10th, 2007 - Supreme Court Gardens, Perth
November 14th, 2007 - Adelaide Entertainment Centre, Adelaide
November 15th, 2007 - Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne
November 17th, 2007 - Sydney Entertainment Centre, Sydney
November 21st, 2007 - Riverstage, Brisbane

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Very nice. They're playing big venues now. If I'm not mistaken, they played at the Palace here in Melbourne on a previous tour, which was a lot smaller than Rod Laver is.
Been listening to Absolution a lot lately. Great album. Just got Origin Of Symmetry. Haven't got the other two yet.
I've only heard Absolution and Black Holes and Revelations. Not bad, don't know if I'd be interested in seeing them live though. And the singer annoys me.
I got Black Holes first, then the others. It's an awesome album. How much are tickets? I'll have to get one soon.
I wouldn't call that pricey at all. I consider that cheap for a band of their stature. It isn't real cheap to tour Australia.
If anyone goes to this and not Megadeth, that person sucks. They're the same price, but surely you'd want to see Megadeth for that much and forget about the supports?

I love Muse but I'm choosing the Deth to spend my monies. I dont have enough for both.

In fact, I work at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre. So if you go, you're paying my wages. Shweeet.
I would have paid $150 to see Megadeth back when it was Mustaine/Ellefson/Friedman/other bloke, but not now. I haven't listened to any of their stuff since that album they did with Al Pitrelli... and that's only because it had Al Pitrelli on it.
The stuff they have done since The World Needs a Hero is a lot better. They're always awesome live.

I'm gonna go see both Muse and Megadeth, with any luck. Damn, I've still gotta buy Machine Head and Noiseworks tickets. Fark my credit card hates me.