Language enthusiast
I played Symbol of Life today, still boring to me In Requiem was THE comeback album for me. Such a surprise, stylewise, great songs, of course some better than others, but several total classics. I also sort of rediscovered FDU-DUU the last days, also a really good album (As Horisons End, Last Regret). No skip-worthy songs on either of those albums i.m.o.I guess we have different tastes then Tragic Idol is the first PL album that I've liked in its entirety since Symbol of Life. There were some great songs on the last three albums, but there was also a lot of really underwhelming filler, whereas with Tragic Idol I can honestly say that I enjoy every single song. Maybe it'll grow on you as well.
But meanwhile I've listened to Tragic Idol some more times and it's good, I enjoy it (ordered the 2-disc edition). But it hasn't embedded itself in my mind like the 2 previous albums yet.
Anyway, so far the new Naglfar takes the cake for album of the year for me, absolutely killer album! Everything you could wish from a Naglfar album, furious (Dirk Verbeuren ftw!), great melodies and only great songs.