Music for moods

Happy: Blood Freak, Frightmare, Grave, Carcass, Lord Gore; most death metal works.
Depressed: Agalloch, Drudkh, Darkthrone, Emperor; mostly black metal.
Angry: Anal Cunt, Acid Bath
All moods: Katatonia

Crazy: Degrade, Benighted, Psycroptic

Drunk: Dismember, Bloodbath, The Crown, Slayer

Relaxed: Dredg, Peter Dolving Band, Isis, Coldplay, Antimatter, Blackfield, Riverside, Depeche Mode, Nick Drake

Depressed: Mourning Beloveth, Rapture, Isole, October Tide

Musically creative: Death
Normal Mood - Progressive Metal, Power Metal.

Depressed - Rhapsody (It helps to cure my depression).

Angry - Mostly heavy stuff, Thrash (Kreator is my fav), some random Black Metal bands I like....

Escapism (IE, need to lose myself in the music) - Drudkh.

That's about all the moods I usually have.
i listen to post-metal whenever i need to relax, some favorite bands from the genre - irreversible, manatess, tides, tephra, bossk, cult of luna.
and when thats not the case its mostly black metal these days or some ambient/drone at times.
It's too hard to name single bands:

angry: brutal dm, or any agressive dm with lots of blasting
depressed: extreme doom (Mourning Beloveth and the like) or suicidal bm
trying to wind down for the day: ambient/mellow bm
normal mood: old school death metal or black metal
getting pumped up to lift heavy weights in the gym: death metal (brutal fits well here)
happy: thrash or power metal
Sparking a joint on a roadtrip:DDown-Eyes of The South
Rainy and gloomy:Type O Negative-Love You To Death
When you feel like trashing someones house:Meshuggah-New Millennium Cyanide Christ
getting laid in your car: Deftones-Passenger
Explores every mood:Green Carnation-Light of day,day of Darkness
Depressed and Hopeless mood: Novembers Doom-Dark World Burden
High on Acid: Porcupine Tree-The Sky Moves Sideways
High- Acid Bath or Audio Intoxication Productionz
Angry- Watchmaker, nagelfar, nokturnal mortum, exhorder
Party- Pungent Stench, most thrash metal.
Pumped- Destroyer 666, Rotting Christ, Malevolent Creation

happy - thrash or heavy
mad - death or grind
sad - doom or suicidal black metal
vengeful - thrash or crossover
paranoid - dark ambient or extreme doom
silly - noise
I'd have to give more thought to this but generally...

When I'm in a more 'angry' mood, I perfer to listen to something like Naglfar (later works) or Face Down's "The Will to Power" which is a very dark record. I find that there is a strong link with anger and depression, so at depressive times I will listen to these as well as depressing albums.

During times when I'm in a peaceful mood, I prefer to listen to some dark ambient like Kammarheit's brilliant "The Starwheel" or maybe some funeral doom or drone.
Trying to get hype for fight training - Behemoth - Demigod.

Almost nothing else has that affect on me. ^One of my favourite albums of all time. So great...
They just cancelled their tour too:lol:
sorry Wizard
I don't care if nearly everyone on UM thinks SFU is a joke, I'm going to be perfectly honest on the musical tastes I have and not trash SFU because it's cool or run the risk of "having shitty musical tastes", fuck that, I'm not a poser and won't be and all the :lol: csn't change that.
I don't mind Six Feet Under. I certainly don't think the music great and don't listen to them, but I can understand the appeal to some fans. I actually thought Torture Killer's most recent album was pretty good, if that gives any potential to how good Six Feet Under could be if they had a bit more skill maybe.
I used to always run to St. Anger... I would go 15 kilometres non-stop with it blasting through my old sports disc man. I found it always used to soothe pain a bit while keeping me pumped without being over-agressive.
I used to always run to St. Anger... I would go 15 kilometres non-stop with it blasting through my old sports disc man. I found it always used to soothe pain a bit while keeping me pumped without being over-agressive.
If I had to "run" to St.Anger Id probably just sidetrack to the nearest gun store and shoot myself...

and Wizard I dont mind your tastes Im just bustin' ballz'