Music for the dark...


Queer Old Man
Jan 12, 2002
Calgary, AB, Canada
I've spent the last 6 months perfecting a compilation of artists designed to be THE listening experience of the dark. It was made to be played in solitude and darkness, when there are no distractions. This isn't just tracks from other artists placed on a CD however, this was done with massive ammounts of editing put in to ensure the tracks flow one to the next without disruption, giving the feel of one solid experience, rather than a collection of songs. The resulting mix is 2 and a half hours long, and spans 2 CD's, with 2 definitive parts.

I thought some of you here might enjoy it, even though it's not really in the style of anything you'd find on UM, the music isn't "songs", they aren't catchy, and they generally don't have a beginning or an end. Nevertheless, it is dark, emotional music, which is something i know most everyone here enjoys.

The link for the file is at the bottom of this message. All i ask is, if you ARE going to download it, PLEASE listen to it properly. It is NOT something you can listen to at your PC while on forums or on MSN. this isn't meant for that in the least. All it is designed for is listening to alone, in COMPLETE darkness, late at night. If you aren't going to do that, i don't reccomend this, and i would appreciate if you don't download it, as it's a 250 meg file and i do pay for bandwidth. For those that do listen to it this way, i reccomend burning to 2 CD's, setting aside one night when you can be alone, and letting it run it's course. The amazing part of it isn't the music, it's what comes out of your own head. The music only works as a catalyst... if you do not harbour these feelings, they will not come out.

Written below is what the music should make you feel, if you have it in you... It's something i wrote after listening to it one night when i was alone. Kind of odd, but it's not an entirely new concept.

[font=&quot]Human existence is treachery. We carry a disease that directs self-fulfillment over all other action, but this evil cannot be defeated; for as the demon dies, so does the passion. We must learn to suffer in order to truly love, and we must feel fear to experience comfort. Without darkness, there can be no light, and with no light, there can be no purpose. The passion is immortal, the beauty of this great tragedy shines eternally, and in those moments we reside in solitude and darkness, nothing will be clearer. We are dying of love; this is our divine gift.

I hope some of you enjoy this as much as i do!

EDIT: the link wasn't working. It should be fine now.
why do you think it would give the same effect to everybody?
darkness isn't to be experienced in the same way by everybody i think.
for me the ideal listening conditions could actually be with the first spring sun on my feets in an empty house
everybodies room is different anyway... circumstances are different.

i heard the first mix and i did like it, i will listen to it more often, but not only in the dark.
Bambi said:
Ive downloaded it but im not sure what the correct heating/humiditiy conditions are for the proper listening experience :erk:

The key is to make it not too humid... the best level would probably be somewhere around 20% i think, but i've not tested this theory extensively.... as for temperature, it is important that the temperature ranges between 19-23 degrees celsius... nothing else will do, as the experience will be ruined.
I won't download it cause I wouldn't have time or the means to listen to it as you recommend, I don't usually have two hours to spend like this in the dark, before sleep, whatever. But I appreciate your effort and that you made it available here, it's a shame you got so much diss as a reward and no positive reactions, I'm sorry about that. Well, keep up your spirits anyway :)
Maqus said:
I won't download it cause I wouldn't have time or the means to listen to it as you recommend, I don't usually have two hours to spend like this in the dark, before sleep, whatever. But I appreciate your effort and that you made it available here, it's a shame you got so much diss as a reward and no positive reactions, I'm sorry about that. Well, keep up your spirits anyway :)

It's ok, i expected as much. No one takes me seriously, but the few people who have end up pretty damn glad i took the time to do this. It's all so damn hilarious to everyone, but they think so out of complete ignorance of whatever it is they find so funny. But i digress, it's not really worth the time worrying about it.
Apart from the usual vampire activism, no. But I think Mumblefood didn't mean that as a proper context. Actually, that's my problem, I tend to fall asleep early these days.
Mumblefood said:
It's ok, i expected as much. No one takes me seriously, but the few people who have end up pretty damn glad i took the time to do this. It's all so damn hilarious to everyone, but they think so out of complete ignorance of whatever it is they find so funny. But i digress, it's not really worth the time worrying about it.

Maybe if you werent so precious about yerself people might poke fun at you less:ill:

anyways i listened to the first bit on me pc while browsing the interweb, just to piss you off, sounded alright though :Spin: