Music like Isis, Neurosis, Pelican, Jesu

Callisto come a little after the battle , but still it's worth owning as a good classic black metal album would be today.

As for the thread you need Cult Of Luna and The Ocean before anything else.
Necro Joe & co: yes, everything Sólstafir has ever done is well worth seeking out. The first signed work, the "Til Valhallar" MCD, is viking metal sort of like Enslaved or Helheim, but with a rather distinct touch. Recently re-released with two bonus tracks from the same session, recommended. The only full-length album to date is cool too, closer in style to the promo most of the time. I can recommend everything this highly overlooked band has ever released, unfortunately the two tracks from the full-length album on their website ( are the LEAST representative of the album's style, so if you want to hear samples before buying you can PM me or something and I'll hook you up with a song or two.
Scourge of Malice said:
eh I think cult of luna fall short of what they're trying to do, but are still great and definitely worth getting in to

No :p
Yeah, CoL aren't quite there yet. I think it's the vocals that are holding them back from being truly breathtaking. There's just something about them that is preventing them from reaching the heights of Isis and Neurosis.

Stand-Up Guy, IMO, has the most potential among the younger bands. THey simply need the exposure that CoL has received. Unfortunately, not many Irish bands make it very far in the worldwide view. I thought In Fixation, Conspire was a great album, and I look forward to their next one.