Music playars

If the battery on my playar gives up the ghost, it'll be the last piece of electronic shit that I ever buy. Humans existed for millions of years without them so I'm pretty sure it can be done.
Out of curiosity: how can someone "purchase" a $300 product and then unload it for $150?
I paid $130 for my 2GB player.
I think most of this shit is stolen.
i feel like a little girl. i cant bite the bullet and buy it.

i might just buy a small >1gb mp3 player by some random company. thats still a lot of music to carry around. i just see the fucking sense in buying something that you cannot replace the fucking battery. its absurd.
what does that have to do with anything?

if i am gonna spend almost $300, I better be able to replace the battery in case it does die. it doesnt make sense, at all. So when the battery dies, the entire thing is junk? wtf is that shit?
Just for reference, I filled up my 2GB player with 20 albums. There's enough space for maybe 5 more albums. That's alot of music. music software rips CDs in alphabetical order. So, when I synch a certain album, say, Still Life, to my player, none of the songs are in the appropriate order. Is this common practice? I can get around this by picking and choosing each individual song but that kinda negates the convenience of the digital age, no? music software rips CDs in alphabetical order. So, when I synch a certain album, say, Still Life, to my player, none of the songs are in the appropriate order. Is this common practice? I can get around this by picking and choosing each individual song but that kinda negates the convenience of the digital age, no?

cant u edit the properties of each mp3 from the device's cpu program??
Thanks for the ideas guys. I tried every possible permutation of the properties and the software continued to do as it pleased. So, I just switched over to Windows Media Player or whatever it's called. Works fine.
30 GB? Jaysus. You can put your entire collection on there.
Anyways, I've decided some Shure in-ear phones would be a good investment considering the CRAAAAP that came with my player. They start at $150 and go up to like $450. Jinkies!
The shure in-ear headphones are fantastic, but really not for the casual music listener. I purchased the e-3's originally as in-ear monitors for musical endeavors.
:lol: thanks for the thoughts dudes. In all honesty I'll probably never drop $150 on headphones. I might spend $450 on a Trabant though.