Music playars

You can, if they have an aux cable or line in. I use a broadcast device for mine most of the time.

I most definitely will get the new pagan altar, but where's the best place to get them shitz?

either Evil Legend or Hellride.


Im liking the reviews and capabilities of this sumbitch!!!

Creative Technology ZEN Vision:M (30 GB) (Black) Digital Media Player

Well, I use a broadcast device so I don't have to fuck with compatibility, though in my old stereo I just connected with an aux line in. As for connecting to receivers, I believe on this model the crafty bastards utilize the same style connection is on Ipods so you can probably do it.

The only downfall I've found with it is the sliding menu device can be a pain in the ass to get to work right, so I keep it on lowest sensitivity. And you can't create playlists on the device itself, other than a temporary one, so you have to do those on the computer.

On the other hand, you can pretty much use most music files, loading it up is a fucking breeze, and you can set it up to equalize the volumes a bit so as not to get jarring differences between loudness in songs.
It is. I recall less than ten years ago having to make endless mix tapes so I could have as much music variety in my car as possible. Now I carry around half my collection every where I pretty much go, don't have to risk fucking up my cds, and can't really imagine not having it with me
Part of the appeal of Ipod's is the HUGE amount of accessories. They have all kinds of cases, FM transmitters, etc. They have more than all the other players combineds.

Doomcifer, if you're in the market for a small capacity player, check out the Sansa line. They are an EXCELLENT value, and they have quite a few accessories.
I have this one too. Never had a serious prob. except sometimes it may freeze if you press everyhing at the speed of light (and you have to let the battery run off then reload). Also, the sliding selection is great but when it's in your pocket you can't change anything so you have to choose before or get the thing out. The plastic protection that is on the screen still works for me (almost 1 year that I have the Zen Vision M)
. I'm only changing the headphones now, they're not that great at all but I got accustomed, always thinking I would change them month after month, which I never did because of $$.

I highly recommand it.
Normally batteries like those shouldnt need to be replaced for many years. Some compaines will cover the batteries on warranty, and allow you to send them back to be replaced. Others will charge you a rediculous price to buy a new battery.