Musicproduction wiki?


Anssi Tenhunen
Hey, this idea just popped up in my head... Is there a wiki that has music production information on how certain albums were done, and if there isn't, should we do one?

You know, something like on 'on the album XXX, The band X used Tama Starclassic set with 10" 12" 14" toms, 14" snare and 20" kick, miced with....' 'The band X's guitarist Bubba used Tokai Flying-V with EMG81's > Ibanez Tubescreamer TS808 > Mesa Dual Rectifier > Marshall 1980A > Shure SM57 at the center of the cone > API preamp > Studer tapemachine to track the rhythm guitars'
Interesting idea! I would definately contribute. I did a quick google research and haven't come across any. Also I'd expand that info by the producers, engineers and so on, like if any info available who produced what and which gear was used besides any band instruments, e.g. Nordström mixed through a SSL console and so on...

count me in.
I concur, get it done stat!

Unfortunately, if we all relied on other people getting it done, then nothing would ever get done!

The biggest problem you'll have is like noise101, what is the best way to organise this information that everyone agrees on and where will all of this information come from?
I'd be more than interested in such a project, but a lot of planning would really need to go into it.
Unfortunately, if we all relied on other people getting it done, then nothing would ever get done!

The biggest problem you'll have is like noise101, what is the best way to organise this information that everyone agrees on and where will all of this information come from?
I'd be more than interested in such a project, but a lot of planning would really need to go into it.

Nah, give our finnish mate a chance to realize it :D
I'm optimistic about it. Give it a clean Wiki, leave it open for everybody to contribute and check from time to time if there are any sources for each claim. I'm sure this thing can get filled up with data quite fast.

As for the template... just take any proven Wiki-Bandpage and adjust it to reflect a production-type point of view. Like some pre-defined tables that would have some default columns that would apply to any production, regardless of what gear and such was used.

It is not that complicated really, since you already have some dummy open-source package you could mount and already works with a tested concept. It is just on us to fill it deliberately and I have no doubt that we are capable of doing so :D
Unfortunately, if we all relied on other people getting it done, then nothing would ever get done!
Nah, give our finnish mate a chance to realize it :D

I am the main moderator in one wiki already, a moderator on four forums and an admin in three of my websites (, and, so I don't think that is the problem.

The biggest problem is really just how to organize this and I think everything should be planned before hand this gets started. The content will come by itself, as we have seen with wikipedia. If you ask me, the four main categories would be bands, people, places and equipment. Studiodiary links are always a big bonus.

When we have all the pre-launch plans (and possibly templates too) ready with everyone still hyped about this and if digitaldeath could create the wiki and work as the maintainance administrator, that would be superb.

PS: I think that this needs to be for "editing allowed for registered users only", as it rules out a lot of the need for spam-moderation. And everything added must have references, so it rules out a lot of spams too.
any yays or nays for the main categories? Anything more, something less?

Bands: pretty straightforward; Discography + possible studiodiaries (text or video)

People: also pretty straightforward; Discography (produced, mixed, engineered etc)

Places: studios and what records are recorded where

Equipment: list of microphones, preamps, consoles. guitars, drums etc

Subpages are always finished records. Example of a record page (dead shape figure, the grand karoshi), source:

Dead Shape Figure
*picture of the cover*
The Grand Karoshi
Released: 2008
Recorded: D-studio, Klaukkala (Finland) in June-July 2008
Recorded by:
Mixed by:
Mastered by:

Drums: [1]
(nice table goes here)
kickdrum - Pearl X series, X", woodmateria - kickmic brand + DIY subkick + trigger

Guitars (Juhani):
Mesa Boogie Single rectifier, Tubescreamer [2][3]
Engl 4x12 cabinet, miced with Sennheiser e606 and Shure SM57[4]
+ Juhanis Live-rack[ame=][5][/ame]
+ additional pedals: BOSS SD-1, BOSS NS-2, BOSS TU-2[6]

Recorded with Röde K2 [7]

Bass guitar: 5 string ESP ??? played with fingers[ame=][8][/ame]
DI + Two mics, Shure SM57 + unknown[9]

*person: instrument*

Mr. Crab: guitar solo
Tapio Liinoja: vocals


Something like that

edit: just in case I forget myself and this gets deleted from their guestbook:
Nicole: Tuomittujen joukkoon (2009) info on the drums:

Toms: Evans genera g2 (top) Evans genera g1 (reso)
Kick: Remo emperor
Snare: Remo ambassador coated (top) Evans Hazy 300 Snare Side (reso)

Drums: Pearl masters custom mmx
Snare: Pearl reference 5"x14". Body 20-layers, maple (14)/birch (6)
Drumsticks: Balbex nylon tip hickory
I see a problem with those linked sites, like studio's and especially studiodiaries. After year or two its nothing but a bunch of broken links..

The idea was actually to link the name of the studio like this (if you've ever edited wiki, you know what it does) [[D-Studio, Finland|D-Studio]], where there would be the information about the studio. The studiodiaries dying is a bit of a shame and usually true, but I think that if you ask a written permissions from the band to add the texts (for example in PDF format) to wiki would fix the problem.
ahjteam said:
PS: I think that this needs to be for "editing allowed for registered users only", as it rules out a lot of the need for spam-moderation. And everything added must have references, so it rules out a lot of spams too.

+1 Like Metal Archives where anyone can sign up but can only and add/edit very limited info. You earn points (in a point system I'm not to sure of) by posting reviews on albums, bands etc and possible getting good ratings on them.

Because unlike Wikipedia where even though anyone (I think anyone) can edit info, most of the topics are more factual. "Music production" can be very subjective in certain areas. (eg. ...what sounds good...?). People that get good reviews will often be the ones with good and useful ideas worth posting/reading as topics. The only problem is there won't be much to review, so reviews won't be a way of earning points.

Unless it's just literally a;
"Drums: Andy Sneap does it this way, James Murphey does it this way but listen to what sounds good."

Just an Idea.