My Abusive Workplace.....

Weapon X

Raised to be Lowered
Jul 25, 2002
Ontario, Canada
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This is what happens when you got to much time on your hands. Would you call this an abusive e-mail. I apologizing for taking the parking spot of a friend of mine at work. (call him Damian)

Weapon X: Sorry I took your parking spot. I didn't take it today. Ain't I so nice.

Damian: Go f*@k yourself, a-hole.

Weapon X: I would but I don't know how. Maybe you can show me how you do it as your the freakin expert. You don't deserve to be breathin

Damian: Well you take that seat of yours, flip it upside down, and ram it so far up your ass, you start choking. when your throat is plugged with one of the wheels, start rotating. Then you'll be f*@king yourself.

Weapon X: Watch it pal, Or you will be out in the rain holding your gun crying like the whiney baby that you are.

Is this the abusive environment I work in. I wouldn't have it any other way.
