Workplace Equality?!?!?

A few clarifications.

He works in a grocery store. It was late in the day, few employees and customers. They were tossing the garbage into the dumpsters. It's the slack easy time of the day. She just happened to walk down the stairs about 40 feet away and overheard the punchline. She must have just barely heard it, cause I used to work there, the compressors are like jet engines.

Another story along a similar note: anyone can get charged with sexual harassment (and found guilty) if a woman says it.

At one of the local universities here, some guy (one of those excessively happy friendly people who says "hi" to everyone) was walking down the hall saying hi to everyone (it was the first day) and was obviously trying to meet people. Apparently some chick decided that him say hi to EVERYONE (including her) was a form of sexual harassment. He went to jail.

Fuck that. imo.

Tully: Driving forklifts rocks! :rock:

And yeah, i've never had a problem telling jokes, but i'm very very polite to people (if I speak to them at all) until I get to know them a bit. And at the fish plant... anything goes. I still remember me and tyler telling amanda she should give me head for carrying sugar for her all the time while doing my own job (prolly about 10,000 kilos a night). But you have to be careful who you tell these kind of jokes to. But if you aren't actually telling the joke to the person, I don't see how you should be able to be fired for it.
my buddy katrina is cool with blue humor because her favorite entertainment is the howard stern show. also, she's had three kids, so life holds no more mysterious mysteries. it is what it is.

I did get in trouble in my last job for saying, "well, its a woman's prerogative to change her mind." This battleaxe bint says, "oh my god...that is so offensive."

I think this board should be named "Royal White Guys With Intimacy Issues."

Sexism May Shorten Men's Lives: Study

Thu Sep 15, 7:02 PM ET

THURSDAY, Sept. 15 (HealthDay News) -- In a somewhat unexpected finding, societal male dominance over women -- patriarchy -- may help explain why men have a lower life expectancy than women worldwide.

British researchers analyzed rates of female murders and male death rates from all causes in 51 countries in Europe, Asia, Australasia, and North and South America. The prevalence of violence against women was used to indicate the extent of patriarchal control in each of the countries. Socioeconomic factors were also taken into consideration.

The study found that women lived longer than men in all 51 countries. The study also found that those countries with higher rates of female murders (indicating higher levels of patriarchy) also had higher rates for male death and shorter male life expectancies, compared to countries with lower female murder rates, the researchers said.

In fact, statistical analysis showed that variations between countries in rates of violence against women accounted for close to half (49 percent) of the variation in male death rates, the researchers noted.

"Our data suggest that oppression and exploitation harm the oppressors as well as those they oppress," researchers at the University of Liverpool concluded.

They noted that the higher death rate and shorter life expectancy among men is "a preventable social condition, which can potentially be tackled through global social policy."

For example, changes can be made in the way that young males are socialized into patriarchal gender roles, such as the emphasis on risk taking, aggression and suppression of emotions, the researchers said.

The findings appear in the current issue of the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
lizard said:
such as the emphasis on risk taking, aggression and suppression of emotions

yeah, this needs to be fixed. The emotions part of course, is saved for talks with only the closest of your friends. If they're hot chicks it always helps :p
I'll treat women as equals when they prove themselves to be such. Intimacy issues? Hardly.
Demilich said:
as much as a chauvinistic joke (which by the way would never be considered chauvinistic if it was a woman making such a joke about men, 'cause we all know that never happens :loco: ) may offend someone or hurt their feelings, in what way is it grounds for dismissal unless specificly targetted at an employee or employees of said workplace?
under the circumstances it certainly should not have been grounds for dismissal, but unfortunately for the rational among us employers always err greatly to the side of caution. fucking frivolous lawsuits. my mom's a lawyer, she's worked defending companies against sexual harrassment, wrongful termination, etc. suits and some of the stuff i've heard, jesus people are stupid :hypno:

i.e. people will sue over ANYTHING
"If a man smite you on one cheek, smash him down!
Sue him hip and thigh for self-preservation is the highest law.
He who turns the other cheek is a cowardly dog - a Christian dog.
Give him blow for blow,
scorn for scorn,
doom for doom."

- modified from some shit in the Crush the Insects booklet :loco:

point is, people sue 'cause they know they can rip someone off and live securely off of it. is it really that hard to understand, as unjustifiable as it may be?
Demilich said:
point is, people sue 'cause they know they can rip someone off and live securely off of it. is it really that hard to understand, as unjustifiable as it may be?
oh to be sure, easy to understand...just as easy to despise :mad:
at a past job I had one older guy got fired for mentioning to a woman employee that was wearing a LEATHER skirt ... that it looks really hot on her.

10 minutes later ... I had to change his password on the PC and he was sent a packin'
I'd sue* if it was a big corporation 'cause fuck those fuckers anyway.

*disclaimer: probably wouldn't actually do it out of laziness and possibility of not winning. does this make me a bad person? do i care?
I find it most amusing when chicks wearing their low-cut shirts get mad at you for "looking at their boobs". Yeah, I'm sure you're wearing that for the breeze.
E-bortion said:
I'll treat women as equals when they prove themselves to be such. Intimacy issues? Hardly.
out of curiousity, when did you have to prove yourself to be worthy as a man? it's a legitimate question. i consider myself a feminist in that women and men deserve equal treatment and deserve to be held to the same standard in all regards. however, if you talk to me i'm pretty fucking un-PC and don't really give a shit about pissing people off...not like i'm anally PC "you're a dick"...but why should women have to "prove themselves" to men any more than we should have to "prove" ourselves to women!?

call me an asshole, but no fucking respect for sexism, any more than femi-nazism.
In essence, we do have to "prove ourselves" to women in that we can't tell a harmless joke around them, and any who do have failed to prove themselves.
you can tell jokes an fuck around in the workplace ... but you have to establish a relationship with the woman first (on a personal / friendship level) ... just like you would outside of work.

you would get "fired" also if you waled up to some woman in a bar and just be rude and crude.

BTW ... this Don Julio tequila is kiickin in big time
Demilich said:
In essence, we do have to "prove ourselves" to women in that we can't tell a harmless joke around them, and any who do have failed to prove themselves.
don't make this a "cthulu against everyone else" thing, i think that the reason for that guy getting fired is complete bullshit. like i said, feminism means equality *in every regard*, and if there's one kind of people i can't handle it's those who can't take a fucking joke. but come on, i tell sexist jokes all the time around my female friends and they laugh, what is being discussed is the worthiness of women to be treated as equal to men, a standing i consider to be utterly and unequivocally truth. women need no test to "prove" their equality, and anyone who says otherwise needs to seriously reconsider their thinking or i will seriously reconsider the alignment of their face. period.
you know what? i think i just like to argue for the hell of it!

"why do women have boobs?
so you have something to look at while you're talking to them"
*evil stare*
" you have something to look at while you're talking to them"

Demilich said:
you know what? i think i just like to argue for the hell of it!

"why do women have boobs?
so you have something to look at while you're talking to them"
*evil stare*
" you have something to look at while you're talking to them"

:lol: the force is strong with this one....understand, i easily laugh at this joke (as most of us do) but i appreciate the difference between humor and legitimate sexism