My Birch Hill Experience

I'm too lazy to write an entire review of the Birch Hill show so I'm just gonna give a quick little story about the time that I had. Well first I had to pick up my freind at school in Oakdale, Long Island bc he was taking a final and didnt get out until 4 which made me kinda nervous but I had no clue where Birch Hill was and figured we'd end up getting lost. Traffic sucked majorly but we made it there 20 mins before they let everyone in. As soon as we got there there was no real line and everyone was just kinda hanging out so I went up to the front by the doors :grin:. They let everyone in and I went over to the front and claimed my spot. Stood there for like an hour or something until it all started. Beyond The Embrace came out and I enjoyed them. I had never heard them before and though they were pretty good. Lacuna Coil came on and they played awesome. Not to mention that Christina is like so amazingly hot. Some stage hand gave me a guiotar pick that they dropped also. So Opeth comes out and everyone goes crazy and I could hardly breath because I was being pressed against the guardrail. I knew every song that they were gonna play because the setlist hasnt changed as you all know. So I went crazy when they came out and took a bunch of pictures. Peter had dopped a guitar pick on the floor and in between songs I yelled out for him to give it to me so he picked it up and leaned over and handed it to me. So Opeth played fuckin AWESOME. The sound was much better than the last time I saw them at Irving Plaza in NYC. So they played their set and it ended. Lacuna Coil were all sitting by the merch table and I went over and said hi to Christina and all of em. Went outside for a a little bit and then Christina came outside also so I went over and got an autograph on my ticket and a picture with her. I think I'm in love. So me and my freind hung out until Opeth comes out. First its Lopez so I get my autograph and a picture, tell them they were awesome, the sound rocked, usual fan stuff. Then out came Peter and I did the same autograph, picture and praise stuff. That guy is the frikkin man. Hes such a nice guy. I saw them back in Jan and I was all like.. I met you back in Jan. So Mike comes out got the autograph and picture with him and talked with him for alittle bit. Hes an awesome guy also. He was saying that Opeth will be back in July with Porcupine Tree and that they were gonna play mellow songs off Damnation and TBYF and stuff. I cant wait for that! So everyone chilled out with Mike. He gave me a guitar pick. There were only like 15-20 people outside also which was awesome bc there was no huge mob and I actually got to talk to him. So.. they close the door and Mike says bye and everyones like.. wheres Mendez? And Mike says he would try to get him off the bus. Apparantly he had slipped by everyone and gotten on the bus w/o anyone seeing him somehow. As we were waiting, Martin Lopez comes over to me and my freind and asked us if we had any weed. didnt have any soo.. Then Mendez comes out and I get my autograph and picture and stuff. I told Christina and Opeth that I'd be seeing em in Buffalo on Sat. Me and my freind on goin on a little road trip. So I told them I'd see em in 2 days but they probably wouldnt remember me. So we left and got food at a diner. Got home at 4:30 and passed out. Thats my story. I had the greatest time ever. I never thought it would have been so awesome.
Lopez seriously asked you for weed?

what a huge disappointment.

all i need now is for someone to say that Mikael writes his lyrics while stoned.
i'm actually not bothered by the fact that he smokes, i mean its his life and whatever, but if it had been me he asked, i would have been shocked because he figured you had some weed, like everyone that listens to metal is a pot smoker..
Thorns of Sorrow said:
If you guys didnt know, I figure Ill bust all your little straight edge bubbles...Mikael and the whole band was stoned last night.

Were they really? At least it would explain while Mike was talking so much between songs yesterday, making jokes and all :lol: He's usually kind of shy on stage.