My Dying Bride albums

It depends what You want to hear... Every album is a masterpiece, but paths to this brilliance differ...
I would recommend "Turn Loose the Swans". It has all: very good clean vocals and growlings, atmospheric doom parts, classic ballads ("Black God"... whou...) etc, overall a very intense album.
But as I said, get them all... :)
Although each & every My Dying Bride album RULES (for different reasons), the clear choice for 'best place to start', I feel, is
"Turn Loose the Swans".

It has the same "vibe" as the Opeth albums. And it simply has everything:
- the best production on a MDB cd
- the best songwriting (by far)
- the best "atmosphere"
- the best vocals (both clean & 'death')
- it's their most progressive
- it's their darkest
- it's easily one of the top 3 albums ever - in ANY genre of music

Seriously, ALL of their cds rule, but nothing, not even Opeth comes close to the perfection that is 'Swans'.
Yeah! Turn Loose the Swans is a great place to start!

Also check out "Trinity"!!!
It's a collection of their three EP'a and/or mini-CD's... really good death/doom!
Originally posted by JesusChristPose
Where from Pittsburgh are you? I was born and raised in Bloomfield.

I'm from the South Hills: Greentree/Scott Township. I'm not familiar with Bloomfield...where is it? I actually spend most of my time in Oakland, though, which is where I work.
"The correct answer is!" :lol:

Oyo, I remember when you started going ape shit over them. Not too long ago, right? How many albums do you have from them now? (I'm trying to determine the overall grip it has over various listeners.)
Opet then please help me.

I recently bought "Turn Loose the Swans" and "The Angel and the Dark River".... ok so I've listened to them? It's nowhere as amazing as everyone made it out to be. I even read the lyrics as well to see if they were as profound as everyone made them out to be.. and profound isn't the right word but maybe as doleful. Nothing really interesting I thought..

I don't want to give up though.. obviously if so many people love this band there has to be something good about them.. what should I be looking for?

