My Dying Bride


Fretbuzz Virtuoso
Jul 12, 2002
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I really like "the dreadful hours", but "34.788% complete" is by far not as good. so which albums are similar to the dreadful hours? what do you think about 34,788....?
I don't know much about 34,788 but I heard that it's their worst album...about The Dreadful Hours, the album incorporates elements from the previous albums (The Angel and the Dark Riven, Light At The End Of The World, Turn Loose The Swans etc.)
"34,788 %......complete" stands out. It was an experiment which really shocked the fans, so they returned back to their old sound.

My Dying Bride is a band that doesn´t change their style that much from album to album (only 34,788 is different).
Similar albums to TDH:
Turn Loose The Swans (classic album!!!!!)
The Light At The End Of The World (I prefer this over TDH)

34.788% Complete......
I always liked the first and last tracks, but hated the rest until TLATEOTW came out. I guess it had something to do with me being afraid that it was a direction MDB were going to stay with, and so I was unwilling to accept it. Anyway, with the benefit of hindsight, I now love that album, sure I still do and always will skip Heroin Chic, but the rest of the songs are really good. Quite a different atmosphere, but the old doom vibes are there, just presented in a different way. For me, it's the album where Aaron went from being an ok vocalist to really fucking good, he seemed to discover that he really could sing without having to overplay the tormented-goth-vocals, and everything he's done since has been spot on (as great as the previous albums are, some of his work makes me cringe in places). And it was a nice way to break in the post-violin era, by doing something that had absoultely no need for it (it would've stood out alot, I think, if they'd done another sad-gothy album straight away).
I rate this album ahead of TDH, which only really has 3 songs I really like, a couple that are ok, and the rest I tend to skip.
I like some songs from 34.788%
but I preffer TLATEOTW and Like Gods of the Sun
I don't really enjoy their older stuff(except turn loose the swans,the angel and the dark river)
but I recommend meisterwerk 1 and 2
The Dreadful Hours was my first cd by is one that I spin frequently...

"We do not want you!"
"Nobody loves you!"

...I love that part

The part where he talks about bringing DOOM and then the thunderous drums and bass hits your ears like a fucking earthquake. Gotta love it.
For a long time, My Dying Bride were, BY FAR, my fav band (then they lost Martin & Calvin & they regressed).

Anyway, if you're looking for something close to "TDH", then you MUST get "Turn Loose the Swans" which, IMO, is STILL the best CD ever released, by any band, in any genre.
It's that good.

The 1999 release, "Light at the End of the World" is close to "TDH" as well.

In my opinion, however, "34.788%" was the last true experimental & VITAL My Dying Bride release.

"The Light" & "TDH", good as they are, are really a regression: nothing new, nothing remotely original. Of course, they're still quite good, but no where near as good as their previous work.

Album by Album descriptions:

1992 - As the Flower Whithers
Pure doom/death. All death-vox, poor production. An OK debut, but not a classic.

1993 - Turn Loose the Swans
THE gothic-metal masterpiece. No record ever recorded is as dark, atmospheric, emotional, angry, sad, etc!
The violin passages are to die for! A great mix of death-vox & gothic 'clean' singing

1995 - The Angel & the Dark River
ALL clean vocals. Less 'deathy', but very experimental. Also features their 'cleanest' production. Another masterpiece.

1996 - Like Gods of the Sun
More streamlined, shorter songs. Heavy-as-fuck guitar (very high & distorted in the mix). Nine great songs. Their 3rd consecutive masterpiece!!

1998 - 34.788%...Compleat
Experimental; a huge leap "sideways" (not necessarily forward).
All clean vox, NO violin (due to the sad loss of Martin). Some great songs here, but one stinker as well (Heroin Chic). Gets better as time passes.

1999 - Light at the End of the World
The return od death-vox, the return of doom and, unfortunately, NOT the return of the "beautiful". Sadly, MDB suffered the loss of key member & songwriter, guitarist Calvin. The band would never be the same. This should defintely appeal to fans of Opeth, Agollach, etc. Has some classics, but also, some dull, trite moments.

2001 - Dreadful Hours
Basically, a rehash of "Light". Nothing really new. Three GREAT songs (title, Raven, Winter), but alot of "filler".

Again, these are only my opinions.
like yourdeadgroom said, "Turn Loose the Swans" and "The Light at the End of the World" have most in common with "TDH" ...both albums have songs with half clean vocals/half growls. (And besides that they're my favourite MDB albums too ;))

But everything else from MDB is great too...I don't know why so few people mention the debut "As The Flower Withers"'s very dark, contains no clean vocals, but it has all MDB trademarks and I love that album (the last track on "The Dreadful Hours" is a song from the debut that they re-recorded...
"The Light" & "TDH", good as they are, are really a regression: nothing new, nothing remotely original. Of course, they're still quite good, but no where near as good as their previous work.
I disagree. Besides that "The Light..." and "TDH" are different from each other ...TLATEOTW was a pure "back to the roots" album - they used growled vocals for the first time in SIX years and I guess they wanted to 'shock' the fans again, after this totally different album 33.887...% (that album and TLATEOTW couldn't be more different). The problem is that you seem to belong to those people who really liked the album...most people I know couldn't stand it when it came out. Well, so MDB did a back to the roots album and then last year, "The Dreadful Hours" came out - it's different from "The Light..." (but ok, the gap is not as big as between 33.88... and The Light...). IMO the band perfected their songwriting on this latest album, it contains Aaron's best vocals in all of his styles and it is not only 'near as good as their previous work', it's even better ...they perfected their style and learnt from the past. Most people seem to say the same...but opinions are like assholes, you know? ;)

edit: About the debut: "As The Flower Withers" IS a classic. It is not only a good MDB album, it's one of the best doom/death albums you'll find. The problem was just that My Dying Bride got famous with the album after that (which is way more accessible) and not with the debut. The production on that one is good for a 1991 recording: The drums and the violin sound great, it's just the guitars that sound somehow strange, but it's just the way they sound; they're still placed perfectly in the mix.
Originally posted by Nico16
they perfected their style and learnt from the past. Most people seem to say the same

Really? I've never seen or heard that.

But, again, as you stated, opinions are like assholes!

By the way, I DO agree that Aaron's vox (both death & clean) are light-years better now than in the past. No argument there!
Originally posted by transfixed
Why does everyone hate Heroin Chic, that song isn't that bad :p

*cough* ..nice cunt, nice behind.. *cough*

MDB are the supreme doom metal creme, just that.

Solitude Aeturnus are also a fucken good doom metal band... it has heavy vocals a la Candlemass or DIO worship so maybe some of you will not like it... but Adagio is a fucken masterpiece of the size of any of the MDB albums... i tell you.. that's enough!

About the last albums... yes they return to their old sound, they return to metal where they feel more comfortable but the execution/compossicion of the songs is far away better and subtle but noticeable different.

About Turn Lose the Swans i agree it's a fucken classik! the long version of the crown of sympathy easily availble on the Trinity EP/comp. is the shitnix of doom metal... those bells ha ha are great!!

i think they are currently writing stuff for their new album
Turn Loose the Swans, The Angel and the Dark River and The Light at the End of the World are their best albums.

Turn Loose the Swans is easily the best of theirs IMO.
yeah MDB is really good.
my favorite album is 'turn loose the swans' its a classic alright.
i actually like all of their work, 'like gods of the sun' is a bit weird to me, the songs are kinda too simple and short for mdb standards.
i think 34.788... is for people who are a bit more open in their musical taste and not only die-hard fans of the old nice deathish mdb :)
i think its time i listened to the band a bit more often and yes aaron is one very good vocalist.
however mdb stays a very good band for me and does not (maybe yet?) reach the godlike tool or opeth. :p