My late christmas gift to you guize: Full song ready to be mixed

Alright here's a quick attempt at getting Ola's guitars into mine:

Still not happy with the guitars. Those fucking Benton cabs are deceptive, I tell ya. They will present the image of what sounds like a good raw tone, but then you take the tools to em and they completely fall apart under any EQ whatsoever. The issue is that there is a very prominent voicing at 2k with these guitars, and that's generally very bad for mixes since bass grit and vocals tend to live around there. As soon as too much is removed however the tone absolutely collapses in on itself and sounds stuffy/wimpy... so I had to really restrain myself here and do as little processing as humanly possible. I guess it's ok for a quick attempt, but nothing I'd let go on a record!

The guitars do sound a little unnatural in this and get lost behind the drums. I hear clipping on the tom bus.

The overall mix is pretty good, but I think the bass is a bit too loud in comparison to the guitars as well.

I love the drums. Tell us a bit about them?
Thought I'd take a crack at this...

1st observation: those are some absolutely 1st class DI tracks! Outstanding technique! I wish all the Di's get were played like this.

What were the guitar & bass? The definition on the bass was f'n great. Lots to work with!

I didn't go with the backing tracks that had been previously posted as I need some practice with my midi drums...

Anyway, here's my take on it.
Here's my attempt.

I gotta say - that riff at 1:00 is soooo totally badass. Great tune - I hope my mix does it some justice...

Thanks Ola for these tracks. It really helps a noob like me to get some mixing practice, when I have great source material to work with.

here's mine: guitar TEST (4).mp3

feel free to comment & tear apart!
great playing btw!

ts30x on guitars (all my amps are spread over the different bands rehearsal spaces right now :( ), ssd 3.0 on drums, freeverb 2 for drum reverb, and heavy use of the updated antress modern plugins! especially the la2a and 1176 clones are kickass. deep purple eq on the 2bus as well.
with respect to the riffage i tried to give this a meshuggah-ish vibe, hence the somewhat mechanical sounding gtrs.
here's mine: guitar TEST (4).mp3

feel free to comment & tear apart!
great playing btw!

ts30x on guitars (all my amps are spread over the different bands rehearsal spaces right now :( ), ssd 3.0 on drums, freeverb 2 for drum reverb, and heavy use of the updated antress modern plugins! especially the la2a and 1176 clones are kickass. deep purple eq on the 2bus as well.
with respect to the riffage i tried to give this a meshuggah-ish vibe, hence the somewhat mechanical sounding gtrs.

The guitars are somewhat nasal sounding to my ears. Nice work on the backing tracks, though. Very clean.
here's mine: guitar TEST (4).mp3

feel free to comment & tear apart!
great playing btw!

ts30x on guitars (all my amps are spread over the different bands rehearsal spaces right now :( ), ssd 3.0 on drums, freeverb 2 for drum reverb, and heavy use of the updated antress modern plugins! especially the la2a and 1176 clones are kickass. deep purple eq on the 2bus as well.
with respect to the riffage i tried to give this a meshuggah-ish vibe, hence the somewhat mechanical sounding gtrs.

I like the guitar sound dude! Did you only use TSE X30 for the guitars? And would you be able to post a pic of the TSE X30 amp settings please? This sound is awesome :)
thanks a lot!

guitar chain....well, off the top of my head, ts-whatever-the-fuck-it's-called amp sim, boogex with a catharsis awesometime impulse, multiband comp and a touch of eq on the guitar bus....i think something along the lines of 60hz hipass, 12khz lowpass, dip around 700hz, and 6khz to tame some fizz. amp settings are nothing out of the ordinary (will post a screenshot tomorrow if you want :) ), but a slightly different sound for L and R is more low mid centered, the other one has more high mids.
there's also a delay aux, with the left side having around 40ms delay, no feedback, panned like 60% right, right side vice versa. filtered around 600hz up and 10khz down IIRC. a trick i learned from the randy staub thread ;) it's not really audible, just making the guitars wider and helps filling out the ambient space - and without vocals there's a lot of it to be filled ;)
^And morgan, great drumsound as usual. Can you tell wich slate samples you use? I own slate 2.0. Any comparable samples in the 2.0 platinum pack. I know many people here using mostly the same ssd samples, but i can´t find out wich ones. Thanks.

Snare was Panty and Snare 12 (tuned up)
Kick was Black and 10.

Here's the backing track from my new mix. This snare sounds so incredible without mastering. I can't wait for Slate's mastering thing because my chain is just not cutting it.
I just want to say...This motherfucking song has been stuck in my head since I heard it. FFFFFUUUUUUUUUU.

My favorite is the Windsor one. Holy fucking shit I can't believe that amp sounds like that.