my latest mix (for the fallen dreams)

Yea maybe muddy is a bad word, but they just seem to be fighting for space in the mix instead of having there own space. They just don't cut well enough for me but its only the lows. The singing is great and the highs are fine.
it doesn´t sound muddy for me. great work joey. you always get amazing´s not surprise to listen to this coming from you...
and sincerely...i think "a plea for purging" is your best album production.:worship:
Sounds good hear although there is a bit of bass on this one but i dont think its terribly muddy or anything just might need a little cleaning up in the lower freq im listening through cans at the moment though so i need to blast it through my monitors to check it out properly song sounds pretty good to good work
The newer version seems clearer. The mix sounds pretty good (listening on A7s ;) ). I think there's a bit too much in the 800-1200hz area, at least at some parts of the song. I'd prefer it if the guitars were just a bit quieter and the drums louder but it's a matter of preference. Not really a fan of -7.00 db average though ;/

i was thinking about bringing it down. :D
The snare sounds really fucking good, especially at the break/chugg.

The only part that's sort of fighting for space are the lower vocals.
Could just be me, but that's the only thing that jumps at me.
The snare sounds really fucking good, especially at the break/chugg.

The only part that's sort of fighting for space are the lower vocals.
Could just be me, but that's the only thing that jumps at me.

yeah i don't get it. the vocals are maximized like a son of a bitch, and all the low end energy is being compressed out. it should sound clear as fuck.

this mix is annoying the shit out of me.
bring up the vocalist some more i say

I don't think its a volume thing. I think its more freq fighting thing, maybe a small boost around around 3k and a cut in the lower mids. Just sucks because vox can thin out real quick with low mid cuts and get to harsh when boosting up there. Good luck dude and don't let it get you down because its a sick mix so far!
I don't think its a volume thing. I think its more freq fighting thing, maybe a small boost around around 3k and a cut in the lower mids. Just sucks because vox can thin out real quick with low mid cuts and get to harsh when boosting up there. Good luck dude and don't let it get you down because its a sick mix so far!

yea that's what i meant, i say, clear some eq room from guitars to vocals, just carefully tread, theres something funky for me about this mix, maybe listening to it just after three consecutive runs of "the way of all flesh" fucked up with my mind haha :err:
kinda reminds me of misery signals.... i think the vocals should have a little more high end.. that's only thing that sounds weird to me. the vocals are a little on the dark side
The mix sounds pretty decent;

Though i'd be tempted to give the vocals a bit more room and reverb and bring them down by 1-2db as they seem to push everything behind a little too much.

everything else, guitar tone, snare, kick, bass, mud sounds pretty good to me as FTFD have that slight "mud" tone to them which is needed to bring out the melodic bits and drive the aggressive parts.
I think the guitars have too much mids (maybe around 1-1.5k), only really noticeable when they're solo'd, but cutting some there may help the vocals out a lot. But I think your guitars tend to be a bit more middy than most.
i think the vocals have a we bit to much low end. other than that man great job, must be awesome working with such a great band but i mean you get to work with fucking flawless bands all the time, but yeah the singing vocals are amazing.