My New Song

May 6, 2001
Disposable (5MB)

Well a few days ago i was in a bit of a mood and i wrote a little tune.. wanted to get out some sad feelings, i guess the song title describes it a little. It took me one night to write, and maybe 2 or 3 days to record and such. If you happen to have heard my previous efforts then you'll notice this is quite a different tune, a similar feel i guess, but different structure.

Well it seems different to me at least.

Anyway, id be extremely grateful if you would download it and see what you think. This is just a once off song, not part of any project, not a type of song im going to be writing more of... its not greatly original or groundbreaking, but its not supposed to be.. actually i was aiming for simplistic ideas, becoming interesting through layering..

but im interested to hear what other people think of my attempts at this kind of song anyway.

And mostly i hope some of you enjoy it. :)

Thanks in advance!
dude,this song fucking rules.your such a good player.sounds like opeth a bit,its really fucking good man.

how did you record it,did you use a computer program or something?
your songs on are fucking great also.he he,they sound like opeth too!

This is wonderful. Your simple stuff is shockingly resounding. Perhaps you're a minimalist and don't know it? ;)

Thanks for sharing. It's very good.

Edit: In fact, I think just some sparse vocals in this could be great. Not prominent, but there... I don't know, just seemed right to me. Lyrics in the same minimalist vein...
First of all, thanks for all the positive responses so far! I appreciate it heaps! Glad people seem to be liking it! :)

how did you record it,did you use a computer program or something?

Great song! What did you use to record it? (PC, cakewalk, Digital Recorder, etc?) Also, what did you use for the drums?
Right, to answer the above two questions, it was all recorded in CoolEdit Pro on PC. Everything except guitars is programmed in Cubase, using VST instruments to make them sound good (orchestration, piano, bass and drums). Drums are done with a plugin called "LM-4" to sample real drum sounds.

All guitars are recorded on my Ibanez Jem, going through my Digitech 2112 effects processor (which has a cab-sim on it) and then direct into the computer (one of those soundcards that comes in the motherboard! so its not very good!).

And I did a little mastering stuff with a program called T-Racks.

it sounds like Mushroom head

This is wonderful. Your simple stuff is shockingly resounding. Perhaps you're a minimalist and don't know it?
Hehe, perhaps. There is a side of me that is minimalist!

Edit: In fact, I think just some sparse vocals in this could be great. Not prominent, but there... I don't know, just seemed right to me. Lyrics in the same minimalist vein...
Yep, i wish i had a vocalist :(