my preeeeecious

Reverand Joint Smoker said:
or call them and tell them
" it buuuuurns us!"
" You've ruined it, stupid fat hobbits "


I have nothing of value to add, but "stupid fat hobbit!" always makes me laugh.

That and I'm so sorry about your guitar, I hate it when I can't play with my toys when I get em. :yell:
DreamNeonBlack said:
NOOOOOOOOO don't let dad touch it. Call the people you got it from tell them you are sending it back and you want a replacement at your house the next day. I am sure you paid a decent amount of money for it and you demand a working guitar ASAP.

Be civil but do not take NO for an answer, explain to them it is brand new and an " out of Box " failure.
You want a replacement tomorrow, not 2 days or 4 days from now, they WILL pay shipping both for your return and for the new unit.

or call them and tell them
" it buuuuurns us!"
" You've ruined it, stupid fat hobbits "

listen to him he knows what he's talking about

as long as you are firm yet polite and cordial you will get a new guitar - tell them you dont want this guitar and that you shouldn't have ever received a worthless piece of equipment. Tell them that you either want next day shipping on a brand new guitar or your money back and you'll go get it from guitar center. The reasons for that are...

1) Defective equipment is defective - if it was defecitve when you got it it is more likely that problems will develop later. Get a new one - tell them you don't want this one

2) If you have them send the guitar back for repairs it will take weeks and cost YOU extra money in terms of s+h and what not - it will be much easier for you to say - "fuck you, give me my money back, I'm ordering a new one from somewhere else" than it will be for you to go through all the bullshit with the company.

3) If you do say "fuck you, give me my money back, I'm ordering a new one from somewhere else" - they'll know you're serious about it - most major companies with sound business practices hate losing customers - so tell them that if you can't get a new one within the week you'll demand a full refund and you'll buy it somewhere else - they'll most likely get you a fully functional guitar within 5-10 business days.
yeah, the thing about that is...

guitar center doesnt carry that guitar... those fuck-tards...

and so it would take "30 to 60" days for them to special order it...

i'll tell my dad to be forceful with them... i'm sure i'll get a working one soon enough...


metalskater7 said:

dude btw
what ever happened to those kids
did you bash their heads in or what

nah - they haven't done anything else yet...

im thinkin that whenever i drive past their little group next time, the one who smiles the biggest is the one who did it - so i'll stop my car right there, get out, and beat his ass.