i've met a lot of my favourite groups after concerts, but of course this doesn't mean we started a friendship, they were tired, i was tired too, my english isn't very good, and well, more than to say that you appreciate the concert/album/entire discography or that you have seen them already thousands of times, i think there's nothing more to say. we are just strangers, linked by the music, as writers from one side and listeners on the other, but still strangers we remain.
i'm quite shy too, so i perfectly understand what you mean Elvina, i sometimes feel petrified

i like doing photos during concerts and sometimes i asked to do some photos with the guys of the bands as for memory of the gig, 5 minutes of talk, but that's all. i remember one of nicest musicists i've met was Peavy of Rage, maybe he was in the right mood but he started to talk a lot, thanking us for buying cds and telling he would not be anyone without us fans. also omen were really nice people, especially kenny powel but he was interested in something else than speaking

i agree with Novermbers Dirge. they are just humans, as we are, maybe there's nothing interesting to know about them beyond music. i think that we may also get disappointed about the kind of person they can be, so maybe it's just better to not know more! but on the other hand, the curiousity remains, how can be the person that wrote that music you like so much, that have touched you so deeply, and maybe has been a good companion in hard times was no one else was there for you?

but again, i'm a very shy person, and i think that if i would find mr V in front of me i wouldn't be able to say a SINGLE word. yes i know he's just a normal guy but i see him like fucking music machine, something superhuman

believe me that sometimes i feel weird also when he comes here and replies to posts, i cannot believe he does such human things like to reply to us, surf the net, and stuff like that