My relationship is over, so is my band


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
Whenever I was asked how it is to play with someone in a band you love... I said: "Yeah this is supposed to bring trouble into the music but we're different".

No, we're not.
Oh, I'm sorry.:cry:
But don't worry there are millions of bands and millions of girls... well... not millions of girls in this even one... it's more like a field of cucumbers, can't you feel the gayness in the air?
We've all been there before man(maybe not in a band with our girl, but we've all lost a girl we've loved).... Keep your head up man, it always sucks really bad at first but after the depression subsides, it always gets better.... You'll meet someone new down the road and be so glad everything went the way it did....
Oh and best thing is to keep your mind off it... I'll always write some songs or just play guitar, or drive around all day and eat fatty foods.... Or go get some rebound sex from some random chick... That always helps...
tough now, but probably for the best, man. as a married guy, I sometimes live vicariously through the lives of single dudes, so live it up! hit a titty bar!
Darn dude. For what it's worth, I was in a band with a couple once and it's never destined to end well. No matter how much you try to convince yourself of the opposite, you always head down this same path, and it seems like you hit the brick wall right at the end. There's not much any of us can say to cheer you up. Though I do hope you start to pick up your life and move on in directions that are ultimately more fruitful and rewarding to you.
An old but true saying comes to mind...

"Don't shit where you sleep"

Also a new a rude one comes to mind

"A woman is like a jar of mayonnaise, once you stick your dick in it EVERYTHING changes"

Sorry to hear it but you asked for it. Just use all the negativeness to obsessively practice until your so musically ultimate women will line up to bless thy knob.
Holy fuck dude, my sympathies - you guys were really great (the band), and really seemed to have things going for you with that demo studio recording and stuff, are you sure you can't work things out for the sake of the group?
Whenever I was asked how it is to play with someone in a band you love... I said: "Yeah this is supposed to bring trouble into the music but we're different".

No, we're not.

It's over. The band can't live without her or without me and we can't be in a band together because she acted like a fucking asshole. I can't stand to see her.

I truly hate my life right now.

we wanted to marrie. this was really serious.

Been there. Done that.

It took me about a year to 100% get over it... hard times... we were together for about 4 years...

Give it time, man... but more importantly, push forward with music... do not stop.
I just broke up with my girl of 3 1/2 years so I can be single and finally breathe a little bit. Relax man! Embrace yourself being single! It isn't near as bad as it seems at first.
Embrace yourself being single! It isn't near as bad as it seems at first.

Well except for the fact that his band seems to be going down in flames as a result :erk: That's honestly what troubles me the most to hear, cuz relationships, eh, they come and go, but you've really built something with that band, and made some serious progress...
yeah... fuck. this all should cheer me up and I'm really thankfull for your words. I was too stupid to believe it could work. This sucks so hard. Sorry for whining.
Sorry to hear it dude, cheer up, is hard but you need to be positive about it, don´t give up with music or proyects just for that.