My thoughts on the new album

The sound system definitely makes a difference. Especially with headphones. If it doesn't have good low and highs, you're missing some of the sound. I've learned to look closely at the minimum and maximum frequencies the headphones will accept. There's a lot of crappy headphones out there. But some of the less expensive ones are actually quite good.
I actually have pretty mediocre speakers, and the album sounds almost good when playing the music through 'em. But when I use my more expensive headphones, I notice, as some of you guys have noticed, that the vocals are too low etc etc.

All of this (given that the final album version doesn't sound completely different from the promo version) has got me wondering if there are people who actually listen to the final product, on different sound systems, and check to see if it's okay? I mean, are the band, the producer and the people involved actually hearing the same things we are, or do they have the really pricey speakers that magically makes everything sound perfect? Or maybe all parties involved thinks it sounds great.. because.. well.. they're all in the same studio and they're impressed with the producers skills, so they don't consiously hear the "not so good parts".

I'm just a layperson, I have no idea how these things work, how the recording and mixing of an album works, but I'm curious. So if any of you guys or girls have any 2 cents to add, please do!
That does sound disappointing regarding the production. Are there any standout tracks like Memory or Black and White World?

Memory is one of my all time favorite tunes.

Glad to see the bonus disc of cover tunes. I've been trying to track down their brilliant cover of UFO's Love to Love since it was on their MySpace page back in 2007.
I found the Tori Amos cover not too long ago, just before I found out that it will be on the bonus disc! Doesn't that figure.

But hopefully we'll start getting some reports in from the U.K. about the production quality "issue".
Production, mixing and mastering are 3 totally different things.
Anything that NK is involved with, is usually superb sounding.

Production - sound isn't the best, ie, thin, lacking that something
Mixing - can't hear certain instruments, certain sounds are 'buried'
Mastering - too loud
"Production - sound isn't the best, ie, thin, lacking that something
Mixing - can't hear certain instruments, certain sounds are 'buried'
Mastering - too loud"

Yeah, and how the hell can all 3 be messed up??? Unbelievable!

Oh, and I've still not yet recieved my cd... it's been delayed says the web store where I bought it.... *sigh*
Okay but all those sticky production issues aside, this is one hell of an album! Lyrically as intense and invested as anything thus far including the hallowed ground of Parker's Eyes, as engaging musically as we've had yet... I mean after the epic Snowfall I certainly didn't feel they could top that and to be honest was a little concerned Coil was coming around a little tooo soon after that masterpiece, but after the trip and then some that Nick has endured it all makes crazy sense. I'm usually let down by production flaws but I don't think this is so bad. And I've managed to move past it based on the quality of the material. Beautiful beautiful stuff... Personal fave yet again, while not quite as cutting as Snowfall maybe Origins, those smooth Ray vocals. And completely agree his best performances have been these past years...

It would be a shame to miss the true brilliance of this release by not hearing past some production issues... Nick has stepped up again, Redemption continues to be THE progressive act of the moment!

I agree with you. Even though I wish they would consider correcting some of the mistakes (like Nevermore did on Enemies of Reality)... I still think it's pretty decent. I CAN listen to the record and appreciate the lyrics and the music. It sure is one heck of an album, really strong and probably, no, most certainly my favourite album of 2011.
For me, the horrible production aside, the writing is mostly uninspired and bland. The melodies are not memorable, and they don't gel with Ray's vocals. I find the riffing terribly derivative and puny. This is their worst album for me. And the production is not a minor problem, as I don't like the mastering on the new Sun Caged either. The writing saves them, though. This one, on the other hand, is almost unbearable.
Wow Batmura... that was pretty harsh. I respect your opinion of course. But I cannot understand uninspired and bland, and melodies that aren't memorable.

I'm still curious, which songs are the best ones and which one are the worst, the ones u cannot stand at all?
For me, the horrible production aside, the writing is mostly uninspired and bland. The melodies are not memorable, and they don't gel with Ray's vocals. I find the riffing terribly derivative and puny. This is their worst album for me. And the production is not a minor problem, as I don't like the mastering on the new Sun Caged either. The writing saves them, though. This one, on the other hand, is almost unbearable.

I agree! I only like 2 songs on the entire album... Sorry Redemption, I'm passing on this one.
For me, the horrible production aside, the writing is mostly uninspired and bland. The melodies are not memorable, and they don't gel with Ray's vocals. I find the riffing terribly derivative and puny. This is their worst album for me. And the production is not a minor problem, as I don't like the mastering on the new Sun Caged either. The writing saves them, though. This one, on the other hand, is almost unbearable.

Yeah disappointed to hear that but to each their own...

Personally though I can't get some of these melodies outta my head, No Ticket Funeral is a massive chorus to my ears and lyrically cool, Stronger Than Death is major singalong and the riffs in that one my highlight, Begin Again another with killer hooks and Let It Rain is beautiful, heartfelt emotional and melody to die for...

Overall there's more here I'm returing to than I think I did even at this early stage with Snowfall, maybe Origins was more instant for me too but Coil is still digging it's claws in something fresh with each listen... Can hear the Pale Horse departing best be going then ;)

Anyone notice the clever finish in Pale Horse, the way it features all the other tunes to conclude the album? Nice touch...
Batmura, that WAS a bit harsh. I have to agree with Wardy. I think the more I listen, the more I like it. Just like the vast majority of Prog Rock/Prog metal, it takes more than one or two listens to really formulate an accurate opinion. And our opinions are always subject to change. I hope, Batmura, that you will give the album another shot or two and see if your opinion has changed.

Wardy, after listening to Pale Horse once I got the album, on my second full listen I realized that this could practically be considered a loose "concept" album, as all the songs relate to Nick's battle over cancer.

I've had the promo for nearly a month and I've given this album about 80 spins. Sorry, it's not doing it for me. I've also posted my indepth review:

It's not favourable, but I did approach it from an objective viewpoint. I love Redemption and I've been a fan way BEFORE the debut came out. I remember the day the news was posted on the Laser's Edge website and getting excited about it. I have heard and reviewed every Redemption disc and never rated any of their work less than 4 stars (with The Fullness of Time getting a 5 out of 5 from me, which is very rare).

I hope the new album will be an improvement over this. I don't expect another The Fullness of Time, but something on par with Snowfall on Judgment Day would be great.
I'm digging this album so far (listening to it at work for the first time as I type this). I hear what you guys are saying about the production not being so great. I'll say this though; a lot of metal these days sounds overproduced and 'processed' (if that makes sense). Sometimes I like that raw feel and sound. But yeah, the production (not to sound contradicting) could have been a little better here. There's a fine line between over-producing and sounding muddy (resulting from poor production).

I've had the promo for nearly a month and I've given this album about 80 spins. Sorry, it's not doing it for me.

Fair enough, Batmura. I know you can't please all the people all the time, as the old saying goes. I love the new album, though at this point I still feel there are a couple of songs from Snowfall that are truly stunning and emotional (for me, anyway): Black and White World and Love Kills Us All/Life in One Day. But the new stuff I think is wonderful and personal to Nick, and very emotional as well.

Everyone's entitled to their own opinions. Ultimately, your opinion is wrong, but... :loco: just kidding.

I read your review, and I totally respect every single word you wrote. And I mostly agree, although I think the songs, the music and the lyrics, are better than what you express. But as I said, I can understand where you're coming from.


I agree, Black and White World, is/was a superb song, very emotional. I felt deeply moved the first time I listened to Keep Breathing as well... I kind of miss that magic on this new cd. Now, if I'm being really critical, this is kind of shitty because that emotional magic is what I thought really seperated Redemption from the rest of the pack.

Just a sidenote, sort of... doesn't Dreams from the Pit sound a lot like a mix of Savatage songs? Love Savatage! :-)

I've had the promo for nearly a month and I've given this album about 80 spins. Sorry, it's not doing it for me. I've also posted my indepth review:

It's not favourable, but I did approach it from an objective viewpoint. I love Redemption and I've been a fan way BEFORE the debut came out. I remember the day the news was posted on the Laser's Edge website and getting excited about it. I have heard and reviewed every Redemption disc and never rated any of their work less than 4 stars (with The Fullness of Time getting a 5 out of 5 from me, which is very rare).

I hope the new album will be an improvement over this. I don't expect another The Fullness of Time, but something on par with Snowfall on Judgment Day would be great.

Spot on review. I can't believe they left Blink of an Eye like that.

There is some good music to be heard through the terrible production/mastering(No Tickets to the Funeral, Noonday Devil, Focus, Dreams from the Pit), but its hard to listen to this album on headphones. Its just a wall of sound sometimes, that never seems to stop. Kind of like Symphony X's Paradise Lost.Just gives me a headache :(

I've had the promo for nearly a month and I've given this album about 80 spins. Sorry, it's not doing it for me. I've also posted my indepth review:

It's not favourable, but I did approach it from an objective viewpoint. I love Redemption and I've been a fan way BEFORE the debut came out. I remember the day the news was posted on the Laser's Edge website and getting excited about it. I have heard and reviewed every Redemption disc and never rated any of their work less than 4 stars (with The Fullness of Time getting a 5 out of 5 from me, which is very rare).

I hope the new album will be an improvement over this. I don't expect another The Fullness of Time, but something on par with Snowfall on Judgment Day would be great.

Hadn't klicked you're over there working reviews mate firstly gotta say nice, have been visiting seaoftranqulity for years now, one of the better review sites out there so cheers from me keep up the good work. Don't however on this occassion completly agree with your comments although admit genuinely enjoyed your review regardless.

And my thoughts pretty much reflect others above in that the songs are certainly on the great side. In addition to those I've already touched on above, Focus is a beauty with massive hook and melody, and the quality of many of these songs rises em far and above any qualms I might have about the production.

And Ray sounds wonderful, in my humble opinion. His delivery in Blink doesn't bother me any, while it might sound like I'm trying to brush an average painting with a touch up brush, that's def not the case when I say that the occasional broken note from Ray actually lends itself to his and the albums overall emotion and honesty. Maybe an acquried taste (although I think not!), but nearly every vocal Ray gives us tends to resonate with me... Smooth, comforting, yet still manages to nudge those thought balloons ;)

My brother and I share the love for this band and discuss these kinda things in depth and both agree yes final production isn't the best, but at the end of the day it's the songs that matter most, and IMO this nails it, in his words;

'This Mortal Coil... More a tale of survival than Redemption... A course of diagnosis, suffering, soul searching, and cure!'

Rating 9