
Houses Ov Mercury
Jan 20, 2004
Dracut, MA
Meh, why not. Go there and make a dude and fight people. It's basically just randomized and is a fun time waster, but you can only do 3 battles a day apparently, which is sort of lame. Regardless, kind of fun. is mine if you want to become MY PUPIL.
A bit too random, but sorta fun. First I made a character called VegardPompey, but the RNG hated me so he turned out rather weak. I won, maybe three fights. I made another called She Who Is Evil and holy shit, she won most of her fights without even taking damage.
Nice, I have a sword now. Time to fight ML.

edit: just raped him with my sword. He poked me with a stick. Fag.
I just kicked the crap out of someone named L33tpwner or something, I entered the battle with my death flail and raped him immediately.