Good or Bad????


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
Visit site
Just wanted to know how everyone felt about I think it is good for bands to promote merchandise, network , get their music out to the public, etcc. I think it is also good for adults who want to meet other like minded people for networking, relationships, romance.

The bad: Children who get targeted by sick people in this world for their own sick amusement. (Such as child predators, pedophiles, etc...)

Any other thoughts/comments welcomed.
I'm going to go with bad because I've had way too much bullshit through that place when I had a profile. But it was a great way to keep up with bands. So, good if you don't have students or petty, psychotic "friends."
myspace, great for bands.

Other than that its a shitty way for teens to waste their fucking time... like forums. o_O
MySpace is one of those meat market places where every douch can "add" you to his/her friend's list and collect a list of names...
I hated MySpace at first, but after several friends got me into it, I found sooooooooooo many friends of mine that I lost contact with...

As a general rule: I don't add anyone I don't know. My profile set to security mode where you can add me ONLY if you know my email and last name.
(but they are incripted too)
basically all my list of friends are people I know... I'm serious...
from concerts, from Virginia, from Holland, from Israel, from all over the world...
I know them all.
so I actually like it......

As for music: I think its another great media to be exposed to new bands
or to have your favorite band already on there and get updated on tour dates or new tunes.

I like the fact that I got in touch with so many people that I thought I lost...
for that reason alone, I like MySpace.