Naberus - The Fallen (rawest thing in a while - JeffTD reamps)

The only artificial widening I do is on the vocals with CMX and a stereo chorus. Nothing like taking the sides and putting them further out with psychoacoustics though. It's generally just balancing and panning work.
CMX is the shit. sounds fucking GREAT dude. finally, no thrash! i am super impressed.... man oh man, might be my favorite
Haha don't worry Charles, there are 4 albums of prog/power in line to make up for the lack of thrash :lol:

Gotta say I'm surprised at the generally positive reaction to this one. I was truly concerned when putting it out because I thought it was too different or something. Should also mention that it's the first time I've properly mastered my own work since... '07? Plec wasn't part of this as per usual, but I think it's back to regular programming for the next slew of CDs.
your master is great. it sounds a lot more natural and organic than your usual stuff. it's punchy and heavy as fuck but has a ton of air around it which sounds to me like, you guessed it, less or MORE finely tuned compression on the master...
Cheers guys. Still surprised.

I was running a bit short on time with the master and did make the call to subdue just a touch too much sub low in the end. It was a 'to be safe' measure, because the low-end of this was a battle from start to finish. The guitar tracks had more low-end than the bass, and the bass itself wasn't played with much fervor, so it was hard to work out where to take the low-end from. 2 high passes, 2 multi-band comps and multiple EQ bands across the low-end of the guitars in the mix gives you a glimpse into what was going on there. On the bass however my friend's Ampeg SVP-CL debuted in this one. I used it on the low-end portion of the DI, as well as to smooth out the MXR reamp so the distortion would be less abrasive. I liked it! Very tubey.

This also gave me a cool opportunity to go crazy with Nebula in the mastering phase (as well as the mix phase, naturally). Lots of saturation which allowed me to get closer to the sort of gentle, saturated high mids most of my favourite records have. Also allowed a bit more of that transient glue on the drums, which I felt may have been lacking in other recent works. Annnd... convinced me to shoot toward a Pultec clone in the near/intermediate future.

It's always a battle, trying to fit a more 'analogue-oriented' approach into modern metal... but I don't know... I seem to always feel that despite the hassle, if you do it right the record itself seems to gain more longevity. Seems to remain pleasant to listen to for a longer period of time, or something along those lines.
Ok! After having this in car today... all day, officially haha, I guess i have some thoughts on the mix. Drums + Bass, fantastic IMO, sounds great, possibly some of the best drums i've heard you do dude, and very natural, love it!
The vocals sound great, not sure if it was a tracking thing, but the uber cleans I thought could be a LITTLE more wall of vocals sort of thing, but hey! They sound great. I'm personally really, really not liking the guitars in the slightest, however, given I remember the DI's characteristics, I guess there may have not been much to work with, but I still think something like an Engl would have worked better in this case *shrugs*

Overall, love it man!
Really liking this!

Just wondering, did you use the Overstayer on anything in this? I've been suddenly building up an interest for this compressor,
and would like to know your opinion.

-just purchased on iTunes.
Not really a fan of the music, but as usual this is spot on Ermz.

Out of curiosity, do you do all your "saturation/coloring" with Nebula (console and tape programs) PRIOR to mixing? If you have, for example a full length, do you import every piece of audio and process all of them there?
Not really a fan of the music, but as usual this is spot on Ermz.

Out of curiosity, do you do all your "saturation/coloring" with Nebula (console and tape programs) PRIOR to mixing? If you have, for example a full length, do you import every piece of audio and process all of them there?

Pretty sure I remember him saying he uses most of it in real time as he goes. But I'd be interested to know the answer to this as well.
@Charlez: Just used the Overstayer in parallel on the drum shell bus.

@Pedro: Bit of both. I print the SSL stuff before mixing, but the bus programs and the tape stuff is usually real time.

@aramism: It's a Gyraf SSL compressor. Used twice on the master bus in this case.